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Alice Hocker

For as long as I can remember I have always enjoyed laughter. It feels so good when you laugh, as your entire face brightens up and this feeling of peace and happiness floods your entire being.

Smiling and laughter are universal languages understood by all. I take great pleasure in seeing other people smile and laugh as well. This sensation of superabundance leaves you wanting more.

I believe that yearning, we feel, is inner peace and it is within each one of us. It's always been there. It's time to reconnect with it. What I have realized on my journey through life is that I was the one who got in the way of having this inner peace and happiness. It's my genuine conviction that you and I were created to enjoy all the abundance that is our natural birthright through the endowment that we were born with.

For the vast majority of my life I've lived searching for this inner peace in various external ways. I've tried pleasing others in hopes that I would be at peace from within; only to find that when I was alone I felt empty inside. I've tried shopping to fulfill that void, only to find that you cannot buy inner peace as it's a gift and all we have to do is accept it and receive it. Once my eyes were open to this inheritance, after trying everything else to find this genuine inner peace I thought I would give it a try and claim possession of the gift.

Wow, I had no idea how this precious legacy would change my life and change my life instantaneously! I let go of trying to be in charge of everything and everyone around me and just let it be....

It's my belief that it is never too late to acquire the heirloom that is yours! Since this transformation has taken place in my life, truly I have connected to and live from the place of inner peace. My life is lived with an authentic happiness that I longed for. I am indeed grateful for the spiritual awakening that has plugged me into not only living life but enjoying every day with a heart filled with an overflowing abundance of gratitude.

This is why I write the books I write. I have a grand desire to share what I've come to know with the world, as we are all connected. Our inheritance unites us together and when you choose to accept the endowment, your life shifts from ordinary to extraordinary in what feels like a blink of the eye.

"Each one of us has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances." Before my transformation I had read this quote by Gandhi and I craved to have this in my own life. I am so grateful that today I have it! I have learned how to stay centered and to stay in the space of inner peace and happiness. This is what I share in my books so everyone has an opportunity to acquire the knowledge to receive the greatest gift of all!

Oscar Wilde said, "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."

May you find your absolute inner peace that brings you true happiness and live the precious life you have been given.

Alice Hocker

“I've learned that turning inward is where you develop emotional awareness. This is the place where you connect with your soul, to God and nothing (no thing) can come between you and your source.”
Alice Hocker
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“As you change your thoughts and your mental vision, you are changing your reality.”
Alice Hocker
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“Giving in the spirit of love, expecting nothing in return is how God gives and so should we, as we are a piece of our creator.”
Alice Hocker
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“Worry is accepting responsibility God never intended you to have.”
Alice Hocker
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“When you look in the mirror, remember that who you see looking back at you is a piece of your highest self, the Divine.”
Alice Hocker
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“Love & care for one another, gratitude & compassion are the ultimate state of being. This is living on the super-conscious level of life, seeing the soul of one another.”
Alice Hocker
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“A shift, a change of feeling, will bring with certainty a change in your future. This is the very first step in changing your destiny.”
Alice Hocker
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“It's not in searching externally for the peace that passes all understanding; it's in searching from within you.”
Alice Hocker
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“Your greatness is not what you have, but in what you give.”
Alice Hocker
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“We are all extraordinary individuals. We just have to once again tune into the special-ness of who we are.”
Alice Hocker
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“Be content, Be grateful, Be loving, Be happy, and this lifestyle will not only change YOUR life, it will change OUR world. I finally grasped the true meaning of let go- let God. (An excerpt from Finding Inner Peace)”
Alice Hocker
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“One of the greatest life lessons I've learned thus far is to stop trying to be in control of everyone and everything and just be.”
Alice Hocker
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