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Alice Yi-Li Yeh

Alice Yi-Li Yeh is a student pharmacist by day and an aspiring author the rest of the time. She currently maintains a book review blog at Stimulated Outlet Book Reviews.

Alice's favorite books include The Plague, The Importance of Being Earnest, and Mansfield Park.

“Perhaps I had never had a grip on myself to start with, living life on cruise-control while I waited for a home that would never be mine. It would be warm. Loving. Wonderfully chaotic, occasionally tempestuous, but full of good intentions and laughter. It would be all of the great things embodied by your run-of-the-mill greeting card, and it was still the last thing that I thought of each night as I let myself believe for a moment or two that such things were possible.”
Alice Yi-Li Yeh
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“I turned up the inane sound effects and let them fill the room, setting up an atmosphere of mind-body pollution while Miss Chianti and I got better acquainted. A couple of glasses had me convinced that she’s a real sweetheart, though a protracted rendezvous was probably going to leave me regretting the entire encounter. It’s always the quiet ones that come back to bite you.”
Alice Yi-Li Yeh
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“Nobody lends money to a corpse.”
Alice Yi-Li Yeh
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“they like the illusion that there's enough security in a marriage to act like a fool without worrying about judgement”
Alice Yi-Li Yeh
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“Sand castles just aren't made to last.”
Alice Yi-Li Yeh
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