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Alisa Craig

A pseudonym used by Charlotte MacLeod.

“I'm making a statement about conformity."For or against?"That's for the viewer to decide. I'm an artist, not a preacher."Agnes Phiffer & Osbert Monk in The Grub-and-Stakers Spin a Yarn”
Alisa Craig
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“Dittany hadn't lived in Lobelia Falls all her life without coming to realize that walls do in fact have ears and every little bird is a stool pigeon at heart.”
Alisa Craig
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“I never heard such drivel in my life," said Evangeline Fairfield.It was the most injudicious remark she'd ever made. Arethusa turned on her like a wounded tigress.Madam, I write such drivel!”
Alisa Craig
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“The house looked a tiny bit unfamiliar, as houses always do when their owners have ben away.”
Alisa Craig
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