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Alisa Dana Steinberg

Alisa Steinberg is a novelist, poet, and blogger, and back in the day, she was a practicing psychotherapist (and now she frequently thinks she's the insane person in the room). She lives in Manhattan but doesn't own a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes or hangout at Bungalow 8 like Carrie Bradshaw (although she wouldn't be adverse to either). Steinberg is a lover of great literature, good jokes, romantic movies, and the frequent shopping excursion for fabulous clothes at bargain prices (where she doesn't have to fist fight a fellow shopper for a Juicy Couture sweater). She's the author of "Text Me, a Tale of Love and Technology" and "Notes from Ellen Wasserfeldman" (a comedic novel, the first of a trilogy, due out in the Fall of 2010). Steinberg has been a writer since the age she first played hopscotch (which wasn't yesterday).

She is a weekly blogger for, has been published at (More magazine's web site), and has had her poetry published in the Literary & Arts Magazine "Children, Churches and Daddies," and "Poet's Haven."

For more on Alisa Steinberg, including information on her upcoming books, weekly blogs, articles, and how to join her on Facebook and Twitter, go to .

“Being an idealist is not being a simpleton; without idealists there would be no optimism and without optimism there would be no courage to achieve advances that so-called realists would have you believe could never come to fruition.”
Alisa Dana Steinberg
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“Mental Note #50: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, even though it most desperately wants to. - Notes from Ellen Wasserfeldman”
Alisa Dana Steinberg
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“Remember where you are and adjust yourself accordingly, not vice-versa ... otherwise, you might be toast.”
Alisa Dana Steinberg
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“There's a cover for every pot, but I've never seen so many mismatched pots and covers in all my life. - Ellen Wasserfeldman, from Notes from Ellen Wasserfeldman by Alisa Dana Steinberg”
Alisa Dana Steinberg
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“I don't watch reality TV, my reality is tough enough.”
Alisa Dana Steinberg
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