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Alison Packard

Alison’s love of the romance genre goes all the way back to her high school years when she gobbled up every Harlequin novel she could get her hands on. Back then, she never dreamed of writing her own stories. But years later, her inner writer emerged and she’s now a multi-published author of contemporary romance.

When she’s not plotting her next book, she hangs out with her adorable rescue dog, Bailey, consumes more chocolate than she should, and spends time with her friends and family.

Visit her website at to subscribe to her newsletter, get information about previous books, and updates about upcoming releases.

“Sean grinned. “And like the pro you are, you didn’t miss a beat.”“It takes more than a naked chest to rattle me,” she shot back. “Don’t forget, I was able to do love sceneswith Marcus and not puke.”“You should get a reward for that."“I did,” she said softly. “I get to work with you.”
Alison Packard
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“So what’s the verdict?” Kayla asked. “Can I act, or am I just a bimbo who got hired because I look goodin lingerie?”“Is that a trick question?” Sean grinned. “Because I’m pretty sure you look good in lingerie.”
Alison Packard
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“I love you," Sean whispered when they parted.Gazing into his eyes, her heart overflowed with happiness, and there was something more-a feeling of completeness she'd never experienced before. Just like her character Shay, who'd found her soul mate in Jared, Kayla had found hers in Sean.Life had imitated art in the best possible.”
Alison Packard
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