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Alix Ohlin

Alix Ohlin is the author of The Missing Person, a novel; Babylon and Other Stories; and Signs and Wonders, a story collection. Her work has appeared in Best American Short Stories, Best New American Voices, and on public radio’s Selected Shorts. She lives in Vancouver, BC.

“We were jigsawed, meant to fit together, making a whole picture.”
Alix Ohlin
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“As soon as I saw him again I could forget all this existed; I would be calm. Was that a definition of love: a force that can drug you with calm and help you forget all the sandpaper realities of the world?”
Alix Ohlin
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“Witnessing the pain of others is the very least you can do in this world. It's how you know that when your own turn comes, someone will be there with you.”
Alix Ohlin
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