Allan Pease Barbara Pease photo

Allan Pease Barbara Pease

Allan Pease is an Australian author and motivational speaker. Despite having no education in psychology, neuroscience, or psychiatry, he has managed to establish himself as an "expert on relationships".

Originally a musician, he became a successful life insurance salesman, he started a career as a speaker and trainer in sales and latterly in body language. This resulted in a popular sideline of audio tapes, many of which feature his irreverent wit.

His best-selling book Body Language brought him international recognition. It has been followed by several others. He is quite well known in Australia and during the 1980s he was an occasional TV analyst for political debates where he would analyze the body language and overall performance of the contestants.

“We are different because our brain is wired differently. This causes us to perceive the world in different ways and have different values and priorities. Not better or worse - different.”
Allan Pease Barbara Pease
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“إن النساء عادة ما يتوقعن أن الرجال سيدركون بديهيا ما يفكرن به دون أن يقلنه صراحةً. عندما تتعلم النساء كيف يقلن مباشرة ما يعنينه، فسوف يستجيب لهن الرجال على نحو أكثر إيجابية. ان الرجال نادرا ما يستطيعون تخمين ما تريده وتعنيه زوجاتهم حقا وراء الكلمات التي ينطقن بها. فالنساء عادة ما يتخذن السبيل الخطأ مع أزواجهن باتباعهن طريقة الحديث غير المباشر”
Allan Pease Barbara Pease
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