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Allie Brennan

I grew up on a farm in the Canadian prairies but got the call of the wild and migrated to the snowy mountains of the North where I spend my non-writing time outside doing outside-things.

I write books about young people.

Young people who love hard and screw up big time. Young people who question the world and push against what's expected of them.

Even if it's layered with sweet romance or a cute premise, I don't always write clean books and don't shy away from touchy subjects, but I'll always try and let you know what you're in for.

I am but an outlet for those who live inside my head.

“I lose him at the exact moment that I finally admit I've fallen for him.”
Allie Brennan
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“We all harbor little pieces of pain that accumulate inside us. Pain we wish we could cast out, but in truth defines us. All we really need is someone to help us bear the hurt. Someone to say I’m right beside you. Someone to say no matter what you’re not alone. I want that. I want to be that. For him.”
Allie Brennan
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“Those we love are the only ones worth crying over.”
Allie Brennan
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“Do women always care about the size of their stomachs?""Til the day they die, son.""Will they ever know that we don't really care?""Do men always think everything is about them?" she mocks."Til the day they die, Gram." I wink at her.”
Allie Brennan
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“Sometimes Opposites Attract, and find out they're not as opposite as they thought....”
Allie Brennan
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