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Alvin Toffler

Alvin Toffler was an American writer and futurist, known for his works discussing the digital revolution, communications revolution, corporate revolution and technological singularity. A former associate editor of Fortune magazine, his early work focused on technology and its impact (through effects like information overload.

Accenture, the management consultancy, has dubbed him the third most influential voice among business leaders, after Bill Gates and Peter Drucker. He has also been described in the Financial Times as the "world's most famous futurologist". People's Daily classes him among the 50 foreigners that shaped modern China.

“Science fiction is held in low regard as a branch of literature, and perhaps it deserves this critical contempt. But if we view it as a kind of sociology of the future, rather than as literature, science fiction has immense value as a mind-stretching force for the creation of the habit of anticipation. Our children should be studying Arthur C. Clarke, William Tenn, Robert Heinlein, Ray Bradbury and Robert Sheckley, not because these writers can tell them about rocket ships and time machines but, more important, because they can lead young minds through an imaginative exploration of the jungle of political, social, psychological, and ethical issues that will confront these children as adults.”
Alvin Toffler
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“4. Knowledge is the most democratic source of power.”
Alvin Toffler
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“The illiterate of the 21st Century are not those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”
Alvin Toffler
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“Anyone nit-picking enough to write a letter of correction to an editor doubtless deserves the error that provoked it.”
Alvin Toffler
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“To survive, to avert what we have termed future shock, the individual must become infinitely more adaptable and capable than ever before. We must search out totally new ways to anchor ourselves, for all the old roots - religion, nation, community, family, or profession - are now shaking under the hurricane impact of the accelerative thrust. It is no longer resources that limit decisions, it is the decision that makes the resources.”
Alvin Toffler
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“The secret message communicated to most young people today by the society around them is that they are not needed, that the society will run itself quite nicely until they - at some distant point in the future - will take over the reigns. Yet the fact is that the society is not running itself nicely... because the rest of us need all the energy, brains, imagination and talent that young people can bring to bear down on our difficulties. For society to attempt to solve its desperate problems without the full participation of even very young people is imbecile.”
Alvin Toffler
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“Mereka yang disebut buta huruf (illiterate) di abad ke-21 bukanlah orang-orang yang tidak bisa membaca dan menulis, namun mereka yang tidak bisa belajar (learn), menanggalkan pelajaran sebelumnya (un-learn), dan belajar kembali (re-learn).”
Alvin Toffler
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“You’ve got to think about big things while you’re doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.”
Alvin Toffler
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“بی‌سوادانِ قرنِ ۲۱ آن‌هایی نیستند که نمی‌توانند بخوانند و بنویسند، بلکه آن‌هایی هستند که نمی‌توانند آموخته‌های قدیمی را فراموش کنند و دوباره بیاموزند.”
Alvin Toffler
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“Change is not merely necessary to life - it is life.”
Alvin Toffler
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“The future always comes too fast and in the wrong order.”
Alvin Toffler
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“If you don't have a strategy, you're part of someone else's strategy. ”
Alvin Toffler
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“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ”
Alvin Toffler
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