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Alyson Noel

*Note to readers: I'm slowly adding to the long list of books I've read, books I'm reading, and books I want to read. I only add books I loved, hence all my ratings are 5 stars.

Alyson Noël is the #1 NYT best-selling author of many award-winning and critically acclaimed novels for readers of all ages.

With 9 NYT bestsellers and millions of copies in print, her books have been translated into 36 languages, and have topped the NYT, USA Today, LA Times, Publisher’s Weekly, Wall Street Journal, NCIBA, and Walmart Bestsellers lists, as well as several international bestsellers lists.

She is best known for THE IMMORTALS series, THE RILEY BLOOM series, and SAVING ZOË, which was adapted into a movie now available on Amazon.

Upcoming works include:


STEALING INFINITY- Optioned for TV by Valhalla Entertainment - available now!

FIELD GUIDE TO THE SUPERNATURAL UNIVERSE - Optioned for TV by producers Charles Matthau and Michael Zoumas with Andrew Orenstein and Matt Hastings attached as show runners

Born and raised in Orange County, California, she’s lived in both Mykonos and Manhattan and is now settled in Southern California. Learn more at




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“The other side of midnight’s hour strikes a herald thrice rungSeer, Shadow, Sun—together they comeSixteen winters hence—the light shall be eclipsedLeaving darkness to ascend beneath a sky bleeding fire”
Alyson Noel
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“Trust works both ways”
Alyson Noel
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“Manifesting. Same way you made the elephant, and this beach. It's simple quantum physics. Consciousness brings matter into being where there was once merely energy. Not nearly as difficult as people choose to think.”
Alyson Noel
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“We are not defined by our things. Its not our clothes we wear or the cars we own or the art we aquire. It's not where we live but how we live. Its out ACTIONS that are remebered once we are gone.”
Alyson Noel
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“Just Because something ends dosent mean that it's a bad thing or that someones bound to get hurt,ot that it never shold have happend in the first place or whatever. But If each step brings us to the next how can we grow if we avoid everything that can hurt us?? We pretty much have no choice but to get out there and hope for the best and who knows we may even learn a thing or two on the way”
Alyson Noel
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“I mean, yeah, maybe our fate is sometimes fixed and unchangeable, but there are other times when its shaped purely by the actions we take...”
Alyson Noel
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“Best friends make the worst enemies, they know all your secrets and how to hurt you the most.”
Alyson Noel
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“There is an old and very wise Native American saying: Every time you point a finger in scorn—there are three remaining fingers pointing right back at you.”
Alyson Noel
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“So it's a yes, then?"To blue-corn pancakes or being your girlfriend?”
Alyson Noel
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“Some may say I'm perceptive""And what would you say?" I ask, my voice edgy, tired of being toyed with."I'd say I agree.”
Alyson Noel
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“Are you staring at me because you've seen my doppelganger roaming the halls, playing kind of the cafeteria? Or because you need to borrow a pencil and you're too shy to ask?”
Alyson Noel
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“My eyes darted between them, and even thoygh I was brimming with questions, it's like I had so many I had no idea where to begin. All I knew for sure was that I was going back.Back to the earth plane.The glorious earth plane!”
Alyson Noel
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“It means you got your glow on." He smiled, hovering right alongside me. "It means you're on your way.”
Alyson Noel
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“Nothing can rival the incredible rush the act of creation brings. Of crafting something you know is destined to be great for all time.”
Alyson Noel
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“Where there is life, there is hope.”
Alyson Noel
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“No matter what happens, we'll always be together, always find a way to locate each other. No matter which guise my soul decides to wear, I will always return to you. Just like I always have returned to you.”
Alyson Noel
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“But why didn't you just ask me?" I set down my fork and glare at her. "Because you were sleeping," She says, taking a sip if Chardonnay."I was taking a nap, Mom. It wasn't intended to be some kind of Disney fairy-tale hundred-year snooze.”
Alyson Noel
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“Damen, seriously, you must know I don't love you because you're immortal, I love you because you're you.”
Alyson Noel
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“When you think about it, in the big scheme of things, our time together is like a dash of spice in a big cosmic soup--important for richness of flavor, but still, not quite the main ingredient.”
Alyson Noel
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“We spend our lives getting caught up in all the wrong things--led astray by our minds, our egos, seeing ourselves as separate from each other, rather than listening to the truth that lies within our own hearts, the truth that we are all connected, we are all in it together.”
Alyson Noel
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“What a tangle love is.”
Alyson Noel
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“You and I are meant to be. It's the only thing I'm absolutely sure of. And while I have no idea what to expect, I promise I'll do whatever it takes to find my way back.”
Alyson Noel
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“... you're either gonna let them fulfill their destiny and bloom, or, more likely, you're gonna screw it all up and damn them to the depths.”
Alyson Noel
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“The soul is the immortal part of us. It recycles, over and over again from what I've seen, but it never dies. We're meant to strive beyond the physical world, not... not settle for it and only it...”
Alyson Noel
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“Whenever I look at me, all i see are things I'd like to change.Whenever Damon looks at me, all he sees is a glorious gift from the universesomewhere in the middle lies the truth.”
Alyson Noel
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“After two solid weeks of waking up in Damen's bed, wrapped in Damen's arms, you'd think I'd have grown used to it by now.But nope.Not even close.Though I could get used to it.I'd like to get used to it.”
Alyson Noel
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“Fear separates--makes us feel alone--disconnected--while love--love does just the opposite--it unites. {shadowland}”
Alyson Noel
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“But I want you to know that you're a beautiful girl, far more beautiful than I ever was at your age, and that starving yourself to compete with all of those skinny celebrities who spend half their lives checking in and out of rehab is not only a completely unreasonable and unattainable goal, but will only end up making you sick.”
Alyson Noel
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“This is where we go our seperate ways.Aware of the almost feel of his hand on my arm when he pulls me back to him and says, "Yes."I look at him, unsure of what he's saying yes to."The questions you asked earlier, about wanting to settle down, start a family, see my family? Yes. Yes to all of it."I try to swallow but can't, try to speak but the words just won't come.His hands sliding around me, grasping me to him, he lets go of the vial, allows it to fall, to crash to the ground. The sparkling green liquid seeping out all around as he says, "But mostly yes to you.”
Alyson Noel
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“The only thing a person can ever really do is keep moving forward. Take that big leap forward without hesitation, without once looking back. Simply forget the past and forge toward the future.”
Alyson Noel
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“The lions are now lunching with the lambs.”
Alyson Noel
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“Well, for that matter, I was also a good friend of Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Francis Bacon, Albert Einstein, and John, Paul, George, and Ringo." He pauses, seeing the blank look on my face and groaning when he says, "Christ, Ever, the Beatles!" He shakes his head and laughs. "God, you make me feel old.”
Alyson Noel
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“Life is not meant to be an open-book test.”
Alyson Noel
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“Forgiveness is healing—everything is energy—thoughts create—we are all connected—what you resist persists—true love never dies—the soul’s immortality is the only true immortality—”
Alyson Noel
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“When you think about it in the big scheme of things our time together is like a dash of spice in a big cosmic soup - important for richness of flavor but still not quite the main ingredient. The past is over. It can't and shouldn't be reclaimed. All we ever have is now anyway.”
Alyson Noel
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“I look at him more than a little shocked by his words knowing how much he likes being right being in charge most people do.”
Alyson Noel
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“It is the plight of man. And while the blame lies partly on the river " Lotus gestures towards the dark waters before us "most of the blame lies on man's inclination to tune into the noise that blares all around him instead of the beautiful silence that lies deep within.”
Alyson Noel
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“The truth is revealed when you are ready to receive it when you need it in order to move forward to take the next step in your journey. to move on toward your destiny.”
Alyson Noel
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“Home. That wonderful place I was lucky enough to revisit no matter how short a time finally realizing it's not relegated to just one single place its wherever you make it.”
Alyson Noel
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“The love of every single one of my lives.”
Alyson Noel
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“The heart knows no logic, and rarely corresponds with the brain.”
Alyson Noel
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“Prince Kanta was crazy!”
Alyson Noel
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“Pero mientras tanto, si la eternidad comienza hoy, entonces ésta es la manera en la que voy a vivirla. De día en día.”
Alyson Noel
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“–No podía soportar el perderte de nuevo, – Él murmura, arrodillándose junto a mí. –No esta vez. No otra vez. –”
Alyson Noel
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“A veces el usa lenguaje de surfista californiano igual que todo el mundo aquí, y otras veces parece que ha salido de las páginas de Cumbres Borrascosas. —No. No me has contrariado, — yo le digo riéndome.”
Alyson Noel
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“May you bring unconditional love and infinite peace.”
Alyson Noel
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“Seeing is believing”
Alyson Noel
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“And just as I start to move past him, my hip accidentally rubs against his, and his face is so close, and his eyes so deep, that I can't help but lift my fingers to his smooth, sculptured cheek. Then without even thinking, I close my eyes, lean in, and kiss him.”
Alyson Noel
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“Miracles do occur, and it's never too late to turn your life around and reach for something better.”
Alyson Noel
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“Damen is gorgeous. I know this without looking up. I just focus on my book as he makes his way toward me since I know way too much about my classmates already. So as far as I'm concerned, an extra moment of ignorance really is bliss.But according to the innermost thoughts of Stacia Miller sitting just two rows before me - Damen Auguste is totally smoking hot.Her best friend, Honor, completely agrees.So does Honor's boyfriend, Craig, but that's a whole other story”
Alyson Noel
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