“The pain when you fail is not to convince you to stop, but to be overcome so you can find success there and move on.”
“"Thinking you've lost everything when times are tough only proves to how little you pay attention to what you really have.”
“You are your own worst enemy. So to enjoy life, tell yourself to sit down, shut up, and hang on, because it's going to be one Hell of a ride!”
“Never worry about the negative in others, for you cannot change what you don't control, conquer your own demons and be happy.”
“You can think up a million excuses to quit, and still not have an actual reason! Why waste all that brain power?”
“When you never give up, failure becomes nothing more than a stepping stone to success”
“Originality, not Intelligence, is the sign of a brilliant Author. All the Education in the world won't help someone who can't think for themselves.”
“When your dreams are reaching for the stars, there's no point in keeping your feet on the ground. Take a chance and leap!!!”