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Amanda Lee Knauss

I'm sixteen and published my first book in November 2012. I'm growing up in a small town and hope to one day attend Grand Canyon University, but, if a better opportunity presents itself, I'll go somewhere else. I'm attempting to make a point to go to the Tuscon Festival of Books every year. One day I want to found my own comics company, become a major author, and create blockbuster movies. I'm slowly making my way to that point and hope that I can survive whatever life throws at me and continue writing through all of it.

“You're rather adorable when you're mad and can't do anything about it, you know.”
Amanda Lee Knauss
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“Jae Smith is Nightwatch and I have her! Ha! I know where she lives, where she hangs out, and her blood type! Man, I am a dinkum stalker!"Jeremy sat up, intrigued."What stalker site did you go on?" He asked wonderingly asJacob shoved clothes into a bag and grabbed a few protein bars from his dusty, sticky nightstand."Facebook. I have to get to San Francisco.”
Amanda Lee Knauss
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