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Amanda Leigh

Amanda Leigh is the multi-genre author of numerous titles, including the Mature YA Paranormal Romance, the Beauty of the Dark series. She’s made up stories all her life, and written them down since she was eight. In college she got her degree in English and Communications, and worked as the Assistant Managing Editor on the literary magazine. Amanda advocates for mental health, cystinosis/rare disease awareness, and literacy. Strength: Lives Touched by Cystinosis is an anthology to raise awareness and money for cystinosis. She has a cat she adores and loves cooking, music, art, Psychology, Marvel, Harry Potter, and Elvis Presley. Not necessarily in that order. Find her online at and feel free to get in touch with her.


Blog: http://girlwithapenandadream.blogspot...






“Time is just a crazy game.”
Amanda Leigh
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“Everything’s different,and yet everything’s the same.Time is just a crazy game.”
Amanda Leigh
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“Sometimes it seems like everything’s changing;my whole world is rearranging.”
Amanda Leigh
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“It still is on the run,time that is.”
Amanda Leigh
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“It still is on the run,time that is.Sometimes it seems like everything’s changing;my whole world is rearranging.Everything’s different,and yet everything’s the same.Time is just a crazy game.”
Amanda Leigh
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“Time passes too fast.Like a hummingbird flying by,it’s just a blur to my eyes.”
Amanda Leigh
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“I don’t understandhow everything moves so quickly.They say time flies when you’re having fun,but I wasn’t always having fun.Even when I was mad or sad,time was always on the run.”
Amanda Leigh
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“You see another who looks thirsty.Walking over to them, you nudge them on the back.They look at you, and you gesture toward the lake with your head.You and the other walk over there, and you are content and you are happy.You are home.”
Amanda Leigh
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“Why can’t I quiet the thoughts running through my head?Put down the penand climbsnuglyinto bed?”
Amanda Leigh
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“Days, hours, minutes,seconds slip byunappreciated, unnoticed.Notice them.Appreciate them.And treat themlike they could beyour last.”
Amanda Leigh
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“You just noticedthe disguise that she wearsfrom day to day?Well that’s too bad.Because it’s too late,she’s gone.She slipped away.”
Amanda Leigh
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“Well that's too bad.Because it's too late. She's gone.She slipped away.”
Amanda Leigh
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