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Amanda Quick

Pseudonym of Jayne Ann Krentz

The author of over 40 consecutive New York Times bestsellers, JAYNE ANN KRENTZ writes romantic-suspense, often with a psychic and paranormal twist, in three different worlds: Contemporary (as Jayne Ann Krentz), historical (as Amanda Quick) and futuristic (as Jayne Castle). There are over 30 million copies of her books in print.

She earned a B.A. in History from the University of California at Santa Cruz and went on to obtain a Masters degree in Library Science from San Jose State University in California. Before she began writing full time she worked as a librarian in both academic and corporate libraries.

Ms. Krentz is married and lives with her husband, Frank, in Seattle, Washington.


Jayne Ann Krentz

Jayne Castle

Stephanie James

Jayne Bentley

Jayne Taylor

Amanda Glass

“It is not good for the spirits to dwell on that which cannot be altered.”
Amanda Quick
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“Whoever John Stoner is, he is no magician. He could not have made you into a hero if you had not already possessed the raw material." -Concordia Glade to Ambrose Wills.”
Amanda Quick
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“It is said a virtuous woman is worth more than rubies. But I believe many men discover the hard way that virtue, like beauty, is often in the eye of the beholder.”
Amanda Quick
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“Concordia experienced a profound rush of relief. He was safely home. Now, perhaps she would be able to shake off the feeling of dread that has descended on her after he had left.”
Amanda Quick
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“I am well aware that for some, love and passion do not always follow the traditional path”
Amanda Quick
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“Has some married man asked you to be his mistress? If so, give me his name and I will see to it that he disappears.”
Amanda Quick
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“For pity's sake, you are lying in a coffin, Mrs. Crofton. Unless you wish to be buried, I strongly suggest that you resurrect yourself immediately.”
Amanda Quick
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“You know, it would be very easy for Gilmore to break his neck on these stairs," Matt offered with a hopeful air. "Accidents do happen.""That won't be necessary, thank you," Virginia said."Just a leg perhaps?”
Amanda Quick
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“I would walk into hell to keep you safe.”
Amanda Quick
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“Idly he toyed with the notion of ripping Leybrook's head off his shoulders. It would be a very pleasant, extremely satisfying project, but Virginia would probably not approve.”
Amanda Quick
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“In my experience there are only a handful of reasons for murder....Jealousy, vengeance, greed, fear and pleasure....Some killers enjoy the kill....For them it is a great game, and for the most part they are the ones I hunt.”
Amanda Quick
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“I have always found that it is far more convenient to be rich rather than to be poor.”
Amanda Quick
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“All things being equal, he preferred to do business with people who were sane.”
Amanda Quick
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“Talent is useful, but always keep your dagger sharp.”
Amanda Quick
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“I will love you all the days of my life and beyond.”
Amanda Quick
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“Once Smith had you, he would most likely have tried to negotiate for the lamp."Everything inside her warmed gently. "You'd give up the lamp if you thought my life depended on it?""Without a second thought.""Oh, Griffin, I'm truly touched. I know how important the lamp is to you.""And then I'd slit the bastard's throat."She groaned and rested her forehead on her knees. "Two birds with one lamp. Who says a crime lord can't be a romantic at heart?”
Amanda Quick
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“One day you're young with all your fine plans for the future. The next you're in the future and it doesn't look at all the way you thought it would.”
Amanda Quick
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“You mustn’t hit her over the head with it. Women like to be romanced like the heroines in the sensation novels.” “What the devil do you know about sensation novels?” “A man can learn a great deal about women from novels,” Matt said. “You should try it sometime.”
Amanda Quick
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“Of course I won't go alone. I shall take my maid." "No," Sebastian said. "You will take me.”
Amanda Quick
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“I am crushed by your poor opinionBut will endeavor to carry on.”
Amanda Quick
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“When you are rich and powerful, no one will challenge you to your face or give you a chance to explain yourself. All the whispers are behind your back. You are left with no means of clearing your own name. And after a while you realize there is no point in even attempting to do so. No one wants the truth. All anyone wants is the chance to add more fuel to the fires of gossip. The whispers become so loud that sometimes you think you will drown in them.”
Amanda Quick
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“The dangerous plant did not flower in every generation, they said. ”
Amanda Quick
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“She fastened the invisible corset of her composure snugly around herself and prepared to move forward with her plan.”
Amanda Quick
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“There was nothing like having a dead husband return from the grave to ruin a fine spring morning.”
Amanda Quick
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“A lady can always find the appropriate words for any occasion - Aunt Horatia”
Amanda Quick
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“Henceforth, whenever we are threatened with being cast adrift upon love’s transcendent, golden shore, I want you to slap my face.”
Amanda Quick
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“I have often sat in that chair behind my desk and wondered how you would look lying naked here on this sofa. It was a form of self-inflicted torture." “Good heavens”
Amanda Quick
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“How very interesting." Imogen gave a dainty sniff." I collect that you also poured some of the brandy down his lordship's throat. Was that part of the treatment?" “Absolutely critical," Matthias murmured.”
Amanda Quick
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“Knowing that you love me is not a source of amusement.” Sebastian realized that his hands were shaking with the force of the emotion that was pouring through him. “It is my salvation”
Amanda Quick
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