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Amanda Stephan

Amanda Stephan is just a normal, everyday country girl. She resides near Columbia, TN with her husband and children, three cats, one dog, and multiple roosters that love to roost under their bedroom windows. She loves to laugh and have a good time, and loves to read a good book.

She started writing her own stories when she learned how to hold a pencil. Writing out of love for her family and love for God, she finds writing to be an opportunity to share God's love for others in a fun and entertaining way.

If you were to ask her to share one thing about herself that most people don't know, she'd have so many to choose from that she'd probably hesitate for a moment. Not quite a recluse, she's rather camera shy, doesn't like to be in the spotlight, and absolutely LOVES to have her feet tickled. Yes, it drives her husband crazy.

You can usually find Amanda lurking in several online places at once (thank you Firefox for multiple tabs!) like her Facebook author page (

Twitter ( yes, if you follow her, chances are, she’ll follow you back)

her website (

or her personal blog (

Amanda writes Christian fiction, has two published novels, and is currently working on a three book family saga/romantic suspense series, as well as a Christian Speculative novel. Click the links to read excerpts!

The Price of Trust:

Beaten and betrayed by the one who was supposed to love her, Carly Richards is on the run! (

Lonely Hearts:

One lonely mother. Two matchmaking kids. Three eligible bachelors. What could possibly go wrong?


(Exclusive Peek of her Christian Speculative Novel!)

The Haunting of Maddie Branson:

Maddie knew there was something different about her house. It had reached out and touched her in the deep, dark recesses of the night!


“I will call Guido if i need to”
Amanda Stephan
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“Ian " she said quietly "I'd rather die than go back to you." "Be careful what you ask for you may get what you want.”
Amanda Stephan
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“I'm not going to let you go " He was silent for a moment. "Carly " he said gently. "Remember when we were first engaged”
Amanda Stephan
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“He pulled her close kissing her mouth taking her by surprise. He stepped back passion smoldering in his eyes. She looked at him touching her mouth where his kiss still burned.”
Amanda Stephan
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“But just for a minute. I won't be gone long and if she wakes up before I get back tell her that I love her.”
Amanda Stephan
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“You know if you would just do as I say I wouldn't have to hurt you.”
Amanda Stephan
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“I'm proud to be a CHRISTIAN WRITER”
Amanda Stephan
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“If you don't want it done to you don't do it to someone else.”
Amanda Stephan
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