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Amaya Ellman

Dear readers,

I’m Carla and I write short and long fiction, depending how much ink is in the pen. I grew up in an unconventional family in an unconventional community surrounded by wild, wonderful and sometimes pretty weird people and, yes you’re right, a lot of that stuff does end up in my fiction. When it comes to stories – those I read and write – I love seeing ordinary people flirt with unexpected danger. I get excited about outrageous books and hilarious books. I like darker fiction, the kind that occasionally shocks. I also enjoy meeting unlikely heroes and discovering people’s secrets. My work has already appeared in Crime Fiction Lover’s “New Talent” section and on a handful of small press shortlists. I’ve written six short novels, two full novels and a legion of short stories – with plenty new stuff on the way. When I’m not writing, I’m usually tripping over the billion secondhand books I shouldn’t have bought and stuffed into my tiny house. But I love books, so it’s ok.

“Sure thing, Kris. A man’s gotta get a wage.”
Amaya Ellman
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“Dawn cackles as she guides me through the all-glass porch. Thinner, paler Reina shuffles about behind Dawn, watching as I slip my boots off. Although she tries to hide her hands, her fingers flicker nervously. I place my boots neatly on the floor of the porch beside the other pairs in the shadows under the coats. Music drifts through to us from a distant room – it’s the Beach Boys’ California Dreamin’. Dawn looks at me and I smile – they’ve put the record on for me. Dawn nods along happily. ‘Hear you’re a surfer boy!’ she says and she mimics riding a wave.”
Amaya Ellman
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“One man’s fight is another man’s freedom.”
Amaya Ellman
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“You have to know your own mind inside out before you can know the minds of others.”
Amaya Ellman
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“To cut a long story short, I'm a writer.”
Amaya Ellman
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