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Amelia Beamer

“Whip," Walter echoed. "So there's an iPhone app for fighting zombies. Interesting.”
Amelia Beamer
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“They were all looking at him with an unpronounceable hunger. Actually it was a lot like the faces you see in porn, but with less certainty of the course of action. It was as if they couldn't decide whether to fuck him first, and then eat him, or the other way around. Except that probably wouldn't work as well.”
Amelia Beamer
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“Michael understood. "Not really. My gear is mostly blindfolds, feathers, and shit I got from the pet store. All the good stuff is expensive." There were online catalogs full of it. Leather and metal. Gags and hoods and cuffs and rope. That's what you really needed when the zombies came.”
Amelia Beamer
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