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Amunhotep El Bey

“Only gravity can hold me down; only myself can hold me back.” ~ Amunhotep El Bey”
Amunhotep El Bey
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“Love is the unification of two equal opposites to create new love." ~ Amunhotep El Bey”
Amunhotep El Bey
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“You know a person is teaching the truth when no one debates it." ~ Amunhotep El Bey”
Amunhotep El Bey
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“You Know love when you see it, hear it, and feel it." ~ Amunhotep El Bey”
Amunhotep El Bey
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“I love with love, so that we all may love." ~ Amunhotep El Bey”
Amunhotep El Bey
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“In my book an erection constitutes personal growth.”
Amunhotep El Bey
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“He who perseveres like an infant that falls down and keeps getting up, shall eventually find the way.”~ Amunhotep El Bey”
Amunhotep El Bey
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“Good man and bad man with money goes a long ways." ~ Amunhotep El Bey”
Amunhotep El Bey
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“Love is God’s medicine.” ~ Amunhotep El Bey”
Amunhotep El Bey
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“He who coordinates his thoughts with his actions controls his own destiny.” ~ Amunhotep El Bey”
Amunhotep El Bey
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“Only love will attract love.”~ Amunhotep El Bey”
Amunhotep El Bey
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“Love is as we will it to be." ~ Amunhotep El Bey”
Amunhotep El Bey
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