“Under all my soft girl exterior, and inner demon, turns out I’m more girl than demon. A stupid girl it would seem.”
“Right. The dance.” I reply with all the whit of a pencil. Now who’s rocking the eye avoidance? That would be me.”
“It would be silly for a demon to dress up and go trick-or-treating. What would I be anyways, a human girl? Ha, it’s funny. I kind of already am playing dress up. I get random treats, only to be taunted that they were but tricks. Turns out, it’s not so funny.”
“She laughs. Mellissa laughs. I choke on a bite of chicken.”
“Note to self; try to act normal when coming in contact with the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen. Note. Mouth closing and drool sucked back in and hopefully not noticed. Check.”
“Next time, don’t lose the only weapon you have between you and death.” He says as he tucks the knife into the side of his belt. “You may not always have help, so don’t be stupid.”
“I just wanted so badly to start over, be someone new, and then he came into my life. I didn’t expect him, never even wanted anything like him before, but here he is. Now I kind of need him.”
“Truth is in the guidance of the Coven. Is it a curse or a blessing?”
“When I was little, I loved running in the rain. There was something almost freeing about it. The exhilaration of your blood pumping, the quick shallow breaths, and the way the wind brushes past your body. Want to know my most favorite part? That unstoppable feeling from pushing myself to the breaking point gets me every time. Now though? Well…it’s complicated.”
“…penny for your thoughts?” Gabe says as he sits down beside me on the cot, and joins me in watching the girls play. “Just a penny…is that all? With what’s on my mind, you could make a fortune.” I say as I lay my head on his shoulder. “Well I somehow lost my wallet, but we could use kisses as a substitute. What do you think?”