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Amy Neftzger

Amy Neftzger (born June 23) is an American researcher and author who has published fiction books, non-fiction books, business articles, and peer review research. Her works have reached an international audience.

Amy was born in Illinois and graduated from Elk Grove High School in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. She received her bachelors degree from the University of North Florida in Jacksonville, Florida and her Masters in Industrial/ Organizational Psychology from Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. She graduated from both Universities with honors.

She has written numerous business and journal articles, but her fiction works have been the most commercially successful. In 2003 she published Conversations with the Moon, which was also translated into Korean and published in South Korea. In 2005 she collaborated with her husband, guitarist Tyra Neftzger on a children's book called "All that the Dog Ever Wanted." The book was designed to introduce children to jazz music at an early age and included a CD sampler of jazz tunes. In 2007 she worked as an editor on a business fable called "The Damned Company."

“Without stories, we’d have even more trouble recognizing what’s real.”
Amy Neftzger
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“Miracles need people as much as people need miracles.”
Amy Neftzger
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“The worst kind of brokenness is the kind that you don’t know you have.”
Amy Neftzger
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“Choices are powerful things. In fact, they’re more powerful than most things.”
Amy Neftzger
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“Death is only as strong as you believe it to be.”
Amy Neftzger
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“Failure to shed tears is a failure to live life fully. And the one thing that life requires of us all is to live it. Never be embarrassed by your ability to be alive.”
Amy Neftzger
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“It doesn’t take objectivity to know what you want, and you’re not objective enough to know what you need.”
Amy Neftzger
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“I don’t have to be logical. I’m a leopard. We’re considered wild animals, you know. (Spoken by Megan.)”
Amy Neftzger
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“If miracles were easy, the would be everywhere.”
Amy Neftzger
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“All great roads are paved with uncomfortable memories.”
Amy Neftzger
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“There are no miracles on Mondays.”
Amy Neftzger
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“I'm pretty sure that eating chocolate keeps wrinkles away because I have never seen a 10 year old with a Hershey bar and crows feet.”
Amy Neftzger
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“It's 4:58 on Friday afternoon. Do you know where your margarita is?”
Amy Neftzger
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“Those pizzas I ate were for medicinal purposes.”
Amy Neftzger
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