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Amy Stolls

“Why didn't your grandfather leave me? God knows I wasn't esy to live with. You';ll have to ask him. I imagine it's for the same reason. Stay and survive. Find joy.”
Amy Stolls
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“Do I think a marriage with him would last? I have my doubts. There, I said it. But marraige is always a risk. And so what if it doesn't work? Would that make you absolutely unhappy for the rest of your life? I would hope not.”
Amy Stolls
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“But then over the years I spent time with her because of her, because in junior high school she drowned the dolls in chocolate pudding and called it 'Little People in Deep Shit: a Retrospective.”
Amy Stolls
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“The first time she wore her gi she also mistakenly wore her lucky Valentine's Day panties that showed through where she sweated like a boiled lobster in gauze. And last week in the turtle tot class where she loves to volunteer she bopped one of the cutest tots on the noggin with a foam noodle to get his guards up and he responded by throwing up on her feet. So there were setbacks.”
Amy Stolls
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