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Amy Wallace

Amy Wallace was an American author. She was the daughter of authors Irving Wallace and Sylvia Wallace and sister of historian David Wallechinsky.

“When we as writers take our fears, beliefs, imaginations, and research and offer them up for the Lord to use, we are changed, and our fiction carries the power of truth and the fingerprints of our God on every page.”
Amy Wallace
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“God never wastes an experience or trial in our lives. Good or bad, easy or painful, he is able to use everything in our lives to grow us and make us more like him.”
Amy Wallace
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“Had Martha Foley returned William [James Sidis]'s passion as Margaret [Engemann] did Norbert [Wiener]'s, perhaps the two prodigies would have had more in common in the long run. ... In the life of a prodigy, perhaps more than in the average life, a marriage or a requited love is the greatest single factor that can heal the old childhood wounds. William and Norbert's response to their childhood and teenage rejections and humiliations was to retreat into the painless world of ideas, where successes and satisfactions abounded. A successful love affair could be the key to reentry into the world of feeling, bridging the gap between the cerebral and the emotional lives.”
Amy Wallace
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