Ana Cristina Cesar photo

Ana Cristina Cesar

Ana Cristina César was a poet and translator from Rio de Janeiro. She came from a middle-class Protestant background and was usually known as "Ana C." She had written since childhood and developed a strong interest in English literature. She spent some time in England in 1968 and, on returning to Brazil, she became a published author of note. The 1970s and early 1980s were the peak of her poetic career.

She returned to England in 1983. One of the authors she admired was Sylvia Plath. She shared some commonalities with her in temperament and fate. She died in 1983 by jumping out of a window at her parents´ apartment, in Rio de Janeiro

“Sweetheart, kleptomaniac sweetheart. You know what lies are for.”
Ana Cristina Cesar
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“I've provisionally left off any more hasty decision. The only thing that interests me at the moment is the slow complicity of correspondence. I read to myself the letters which I'm going to send: 'Pardon the rhetoric. Just some nonsense to disguise the tenderness'.”
Ana Cristina Cesar
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“As mulheres e as crianças são as primeiras que desistem de afundar navios.”
Ana Cristina Cesar
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“É sempre mais difícil ancorar um navio no espaço ”
Ana Cristina Cesar
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