Ana Frank photo

Ana Frank

Anne Frank, a Jew of Germany, fled from Nazis to Amsterdam in 1934 and kept a diary during her years in hiding from 1942 until people captured her family in August 1944 and sent to concentration camps, where she died of typhus at Belsen; survivors published her posthumously in 1947.

Father of Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank, a girl, moved to the Netherlands in 1933, and the rest followed later. Anne, the last, came in February 1934. She wrote with four friends during the occupation of the Netherlands in World War II.

Anne lived with her parents and sister during the Holocaust in the attic of office of her father to escape. During that period, she recorded her life.

“Las personas libres jamás podrán concebir lo que los libros significan para quienes vivimos encerrados.”
Ana Frank
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“Podrán callarnos, pero no pueden impedir que tengamos nuestras propias opiniones.”
Ana Frank
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“Asombra que yo no haya abandonado aún todas mis esperanzas, puesto que parecen absurdas e irrealizables. Sin embargo, me aferro a ellas a pesar de todo, porque sigo creyendo en la bondad innata del hombre.”
Ana Frank
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