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Anah Crow

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Do you want to participate in Generic_Author_Event?Drop me a line, please! If you're looking for a book for donation or a blog post from me, I'm usually cool with that.Are you going to write a sequel to Some_Book_You_Wrote?The up front answer is no, unless the book cover indicates that it's part of a series. If there's going to be a sequel to a book, you'll know once I've signed the contract.Who is this Dianne person?Only the light of my life and all that rot. She e-sides here: Without her, you wouldn't see much from me at all, not even the books that don't have her name on the cover.Do you read your email?All the time. I think the question you want is do I answer my email? Occasionally. Badly. I'm a terrible, terrible emailer.You're reading X books at once?!Only occasionally at once. I can read two books at the same time, but I get dizzy. Mostly, I just switch books depending on my mood. It's unusual for me to have less than four on the go at a time.Do you read reviews of your books?No, sorry! I'm here, yes, but I prefer not to read reviews (no matter how lovely they are) because once a book has left my hands and is available to the readers, my relationship to it changes. It's all grown up. :) I have a clutter of booklings to nurture so they will join the others on your shelves.Will you read/review my book?Sorry, but no. There are a number of reasons for this but the biggest is—I suck at doing these things. I'm a horrible procrastinator. I get wound up and then blank out what I'm supposed to do. My ADHD goes galumphing through my head like a bull in a china shop, wrecking everything.I'm a writer and you hated/loved my book!I'm sure you're a lovely person, either way. Please have one or both of: "I'm sorry!" or "You're welcome!"Can I be excused now?Of course you can! Thanks for reading.

“Do you know how perfect you are?" Gabriel twisted his hand in Rase's hair and Rase's eyes slipped half-shut as he moaned involuntarily. "Like that. I don't even know you. I'm fucking nobody. And then you get down on your fucking knees and make me into the goddamn universe. Not because you can afford it, but because you can't help it. Oh, Christ, Rase, that is so fucking hot. You made me want it, too." He wrenched at Rase's hair, then let go, shoving Rase's head to the side as he backed away.”
Anah Crow
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“Beer?" Gabriel was so close that Rase could feel Gabriel's breath on his hair."This isn't a social call," Rase said, not even trying to keep his voice steady."Then why are your clothes still on?”
Anah Crow
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“You really want to go out to dinner?" Gabriel shot Rase a skeptical look out of the corner of his eye. "As opposed to what?" "Getting on your knees and begging me to beat you." There was no inflection in Gabriel's voice, no heat, and no emotion at all. He wasn't even looking at Rase. ... "I don't want one more than the other," he answered, fully aware that he was being challenged. "They're not interchangeable. I want them both." Rase took a breath to calm the pounding in his chest and continued, even though Gabriel wouldn't look at him. "I want to go out to dinner with you, anywhere you want, on a date. And then I want to go back to your place or my place and I want you to beat me until I bleed.”
Anah Crow
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“It was knock or go home and die. Rase knocked. The door opened with such alacrity that Rase wondered whether Gabriel had been standing on the other side, drawn to the door by the same uncanny instinct that had inspired him to torment Rase. "You said anytime," Rase said, before Gabriel could say anything. "I did." Gabriel seemed unperturbed at having his employer show up at his door. He stepped back to let Rase in. Rase had been expecting something in keeping with the rest of the building. Instead, Gabriel's apartment was shabby but spotless. It was one main room with a niche for the kitchen and a tiny bathroom that Rase could see through a narrow door that stood ajar. He walked to the center of the room and found himself only feet from Gabriel's bed, a sizable bed with a heavy iron frame. That stopped him in his tracks, and he stood there, wondering what to do with himself. "Beer?" Gabriel was so close that Rase could feel Gabriel's breath on his hair. "This isn't a social call," Rase said, not even trying to keep his voice steady. "Then why are your clothes still on?”
Anah Crow
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