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Anahad O'Connor

“Which has more caffeine--tea or coffee?Maybe it is a reflection of our constant struggle to ward off sleep, or simply the desire for that scintillating buzz that comes from a good cup of Joe. In the United States, more than 80 percent of people consume caffeine in one form or another every day. Worldwide it is the most popular drug, far ahead of nicotine and alcohol. Some anthropologists speculate that its use may date as far back as the Stone Age.”
Anahad O'Connor
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“Most of us buy pricey antibacterial soaps and use them religiously, but how many of us look at the ingredients in our air fresheners before we dust them around the house? There are people who won't drink water from a tap, but will speed on the highway, eat at McDonald's, bake in a tanning booth, or pay someone for the chance to parachute out of a moving plane--all activities that can carry greater risks. And how many smokers would complain about pollution if they lived next to a smokestack?”
Anahad O'Connor
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“Are oysters aphrodisiacs?For men, the smell of baked cinnamon buns had such a powerful impact on libido that it trumped the scents of a slew of various perfumes combined. Men were also strongly aroused by the scent of pumpkin pie, lavender, doughnuts, cheese pizza, buttered popcorn, vanilla and strawberries. The foods and smells that got women going more than anything else were licorice, banana nut bread, cucumbers, and candy.”
Anahad O'Connor
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“Do right-handed people live longer than lefties?Then again, there are some things about lefties that can't be explained so easily. For whatever reason, whether it's the pressures of living in a world designed for righties, or all the talk of having shorter life spans, lefties have higher rates of depression, drug abuse, allergies, and schizophrenia. But lefties also have an advantage in sports like fencing, tennis and baseball, not to mention greater academic success and higher IQs. Five of America's last eleven presidents were lefties, even though they make up only 10 percent of the American population." (I believe Obama is a leftie as well, making that 6 of the last 12 presidents).”
Anahad O'Connor
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