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Andrea Boeshaar

Andrea Kuhn Boeshaar has been married for more than 30 years. She and her husband, Daniel, have three adult sons, daughters-in-law, and two precious grandchildren. Andrea's educational background includes the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, where she studied in English, and Alverno College where she studied in Professional Communications and Business Management.

Andrea has been writing stories and poems since she was a little girl; however, it wasn't until 1984 that she started submitting her work for publication. Eight years after that, she was convicted about writing for the Christian market. She read books in her genre (Inspirational Romance & Women's Fiction), studied the market, and worked hard to hone her craft.

“From my novel "Broken Things" (Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas): Those eyes had haunted his dreams―and nightmares too―for over a quarter of a century.“I wanted to tell you Allie’s in town. Allie Drake. You remember her, don’t you?”Jack’s gaze shifted back to his brother’s grinning face and suddenly he wanted to pop Steve right in the nose. Did he remember Allie Drake? What a stupid question!”
Andrea Boeshaar
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“I love you. ... they are the three most abused and underused words in the English language.”
Andrea Boeshaar
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“What was true love, anyway? What did the fabric of it feel like? Rough? Smooth? Velvety soft? Would she recognize it immediately, or would she have to browse awhile? Would true love fit her perfectly or be like a store-bought gown in need a alterations?”
Andrea Boeshaar
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“Viewpoints and skin color don't matter to the Savior. He brought salvation to all manking.”
Andrea Boeshaar
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“Perhaps she's in love with the last memory she has of you.”
Andrea Boeshaar
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“Trials aren't meant to harm us but to make us more Christlike.”
Andrea Boeshaar
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