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Andrea Cremer

Andrea Cremer also known as Andrea Robertson, is the author of the internationally bestselling Nightshade series. She spent her childhood daydreaming and roaming the forests and lakeshores of Northern Wisconsin.

Andrea has always loved writing and has never stopped writing, but she only recently plunged into the deep end of the pool that is professional writing. Before she wrote her first novel, Andrea was a history professor at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota. In her books, she strives to bring together her two passions: history and fantasy. Andrea now lives in New York and writes full time.

To contact Andrea, please visit,

“Yeah, she is great. I spent the whole week with her.""Doing what?" I asked, catching a growl before it left my throat."Aw, you're cute when you're jealous.”
Andrea Cremer
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“I've always welcomed war, but when the last battle ends, what life is left for a warrior?”
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“I'm too honest to be positive.”
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“Besides, tourists go out there all the time. The volcano can't be that dangerous.""I'm guessing the tourists aren't trying to steal a forbidden object out from under the noses of evil witches.""Not unless they've paid for the deluxe package".”
Andrea Cremer
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“Real love, even in moments, is worth more than any of us can say.”
Andrea Cremer
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“I growled and then slapped him."Hey!" His hand pressed to his cheek."You always say that when I slap you," I said."I think it's a problem that you know what I say when you slap me," he said. "That's not the kind of intimacy I'm looking for.”
Andrea Cremer
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“Why couldn't I have puppy love? I only seem to have "I can't decide if I want to rip your throat out or kiss you" love. Ugh.”
Andrea Cremer
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“One of you, two of them. Love's a bitch.”
Andrea Cremer
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“All I am is less than I was. And I can't ever be more”
Andrea Cremer
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“Love wasn't forged by circumstance or changed by sorrow. It simply was. Fierce and free as the wolf within me.”
Andrea Cremer
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“Fighting with Shay at my side was more than fun. It was everything.”
Andrea Cremer
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“That's my girl.''Alpha.''Whatever.”
Andrea Cremer
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“Shay strolled alongside me, humming 'Here Comes the Bride,' until I punched him in the kidney.”
Andrea Cremer
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“It's been a pleasure, she-wolf.' He climbed out of the jeep before I could hit him.”
Andrea Cremer
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“I handed him a beaker and toyed with the pleats of my skirt. The folds kept rippling against my knees in a distracting way. It was one of Naomi's additions to my wardrobe. I quickly decided that I hated it.”
Andrea Cremer
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“No Calla.......this is all about love.”
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“I'm sorry, An," I said, hesitating before I spoke again. "Why did you think I turned Shay? I mean besides smelling the other wolf in the cave."Ansel raised his gray eyes to meet mine, his irises hard as flint. "Because I would have run away with Bryn if anyone told me I couldn't be with her. If she weren't a Guardian, I would've turned her, and I would've run for the rest of my life to keep her by my side."I looked at him for a long moment and then nodded slowly. He loves her. That's what love is. It must be.”
Andrea Cremer
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“Don't mind us, Shay." Mason flashed him a smile. "We're just a bunch of wild animals. "No joke." Dax flexed his arms.”
Andrea Cremer
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“The Searcher scrambled backward from the couch onto the floor. "Oh my God."Lumine smiled. "He's not taking calls right now.”
Andrea Cremer
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“Abandon hope, all ye who enter here”
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“Oh gods! My eyes!" Connor covered his face. "My innocence!""Shut up, Connor," I said, both relieved and disappointed by the interruption.”
Andrea Cremer
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“Only a sense of lightness, giddy and dizzying, like flight—of a burden that didn't belong to me being lifted.Suddenly I knew the truth and the lights surrounding me exploded.I am free.”
Andrea Cremer
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“And you look beautiful," she added."I look like a cake.""But a beautiful cake.”
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“Our kisses were so full of need, so long, so fierce that I could hardly gasp for breath.(Calla and Ren)”
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“Ren," I whispered. "I want-"And then I was leaning over him, my cropped hair brushing against his cheeks as I bent to kiss him. Our lips met and I felt like I was diving into oblivion. The kiss grew deep, inmediate and hungry. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, molding my body against his.”
Andrea Cremer
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“His scent, the scent of spring, warm and hopefuly as the sunlight that filled this place, poured through me.”
Andrea Cremer
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“You with us, Calla?' Lydia asked. 'Trip's over. This is where you get off.'Connor coughed. 'I could help you with that.”
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“Tess was sobbing, and each cry was like a razor slicing my skin.”
Andrea Cremer
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“My skin came alive under his fingers, every touch an electric crackle through my veins.”
Andrea Cremer
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“He no longer needed me to be his protector, but he still wanted me.”
Andrea Cremer
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“He was brilliant sunlight that drove away winter's chill.”
Andrea Cremer
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“What are you even doing here?' I barred my fangs at Silas. 'Aren't you just a paper pusher?'That's my girl.' Connor smiled.”
Andrea Cremer
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“It took less than a second for me to shift and leap onto his desk, snarling. My fangs snapped inches from his face. Silas yelped, tipping his chair over backward, and rolled across the floor...I glared at Silas, who was brandishing a letter opener at me."You do know she's not a werewolf, right?" Shay smirked at the Scribe. "That silver thing's not gonna be worth much." ”
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“The first thing Connor said when I saw him after he'd been at the outpost for a few months was, 'I see you got breasts, congratulations. I hope you know how to use them.”
Andrea Cremer
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“There are times for war—many times. But sometimes it’s necessary to risk speaking the truth of our own vulnerabilities.”
Andrea Cremer
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“I turn to see Ansel leaning against the door frame. His eyes swept over the room."Whoa, Hurricane Naomi strikes, leaving no survivers.”
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“Despair threatened to drag me down, but I fought it back, clinging to a single, flickering thought. Shay loves me. He would risk everything to find his way back to my side and set me free. Because that's what love is, isn't it? It has to be.”
Andrea Cremer
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“Tell me you’ll come back for the pack. For me.” His eyes were bright with tears. “I don’t want to lose you.”
Andrea Cremer
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“This is where you belong, Calla.” He pulled me closer, tilting my chin up. “Be with me. Tell me it’s what you want.”I couldn’t tear my eyes from his. “What I want?”“Yes. Anything, everything you need, I’ll give you. Always. I promise. Just tell me one thing.”“What?”“That you want this, us.” His voice dropped so low I could barely hear him. “That someday you’ll love me.”My hands began to tremble where they rested around his neck. “Ren, you know we’re going to be together. We’ve both known that for a long time.”He gave me a hard look. “That’s not what I’m talking about.”“Why are you asking me this?” I tried to pull back, but he held me against him.The glimmer of a smile appeared on his lips. “Why not?”My temper flared. “Are you trying to say that you love me?”I meant it as a challenge rather than a serious question, but his eyes seemed to catch fire.“What do you think?” He touched his lips to mine, softly at first, gradually building pressure, parting them.”
Andrea Cremer
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“My eyes narrowed. “And you’ll take me right home after we see it?”“If that’s what you want,” he said softly, running his thumb along my cheekbone. “But I’d be tempted to see if I could convince you to stop acting like the proper lady your mother wants you to be.”“So you did hear her.” I groaned, blushing.”
Andrea Cremer
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“I grabbed Sabine’s shoulder. “If you stick me again, I’m going to make your head my personal pin cushion.”
Andrea Cremer
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“He leaned toward me, murmuring, “I think one-on-one sounds better, don’t you?”His teeth gently caught my earlobe. All my muscles turned to liquid. I dropped the stirring rod and grabbed the edge of the table so I wouldn’t collapse.”
Andrea Cremer
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“Would you like to have dinner with me?”“You mean go on a date?” I focused on stirring instead of my suddenly racing heart. “When?”“Before the union. Have dinner with me and I’ll take you to Blood Moon for a couple of hours until it’s time for the ceremony.” His fingers moved from the pleats to the hem of my sweater, his hand slipping under the pale blue cashmere to stroke the skin of my lower back.I gasped, caught his wrist in my fingers, and pulled his hand away from its provocative exploration.“We are in class,” I hissed at him through clenched teeth.”
Andrea Cremer
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“I blushed when he stepped behind me, encircling my waist with his arms.His lips brushed against my ear. “I believe the answer that will not get me in trouble with you is: the happiest day of my life. Or something along those lines. Definitely not the end of my carefree days or when I get a ball and chain. Hmmm, I’m just realizing that I’m going to have to buy you birthday and anniversary presents at the same time. What a pain.”
Andrea Cremer
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“What’s three?” I asked, hoping to move away from this uncomfortable topic.The smile pulled at his lips again.“Three.” One of his hands cupped my face and the other slid around my back. He pulled my body against his and my heart began to pound. I took advantage of my free hand and pushed at his chest.“I don’t think so, Lily,” he said. “If you want to get rid of me, you’ll need to do better than that.”I drew a sharp breath and tried to wiggle away, but he held me firmly in place, watching me struggle. He grinned as he lifted me up onto the sink.“What are you doing?” I started to panic. “Someone could come in!”“If they see us, they’ll just turn around and get out of here,” he murmured, lips touching my ear. “No one crosses me.”His hips pressed against my knees, opening them, pushing my skirt up my legs. I gripped his shirt, clinging to him so I wouldn’t fall into the sink. His hand pushed into my lower back. I gasped as his body fitted against mine.Heat flooded my chest, my pelvis. I thought I would drown in it.“We can’t—” His lips stopped my words. The kiss just made me dizzier. I dug my fingers into his shoulders.“You said you didn’t want to be left alone.” His tongue flicked over my cheekbone. “This is me pestering you.”“Aren’t you breaking the rules?” I could barely get the words out. “What about the union?”“I’d rather have you on my own terms.” His hand slipped between my thighs.All strength fled my limbs. “I can’t breathe.”“That means you like it.” He kissed me again.”
Andrea Cremer
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“Right.” He slowly stood up. “This is new territory for you. Stupid sequestering, the Keepers better not have turned you into a nun or something.”I snatched a book off my nightstand and threw it at him. “Get out of my room!”He caught the book in midair and laid it on the bed. “Easy, Lily. That was a bad joke. I didn’t mean any offense.”I shook with humiliation. “You don’t know what it’s been like.”“I know, and I’m sorry.” He came to my side and cupped my face. “I’m sure it hasn’t been fun. You deserve better.”I nodded. He lowered his head, softly brushing his lips over mine. “I’ll show you how much fun it can be. You need to trust me.”
Andrea Cremer
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“Fingers circled my wrist. My head whipped around to see Ren’s eyes dancing with dark mirth while he drew me toward him like he was reeling in a prize catch.“So what’s for lunch?” He pulled me onto his lap.”
Andrea Cremer
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“What are you doing?” I tried to pull away, but his hand slipped from my hair to cup the nape of my neck.When he whispered, his warm breath brushed over my lips. “Just let me kiss you, Calla. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to. No one has to know.”My lips parted as I drew a sudden, startled breath and in that instant his mouth was on mine, soft as velvet. I closed my eyes against the rush of a hundred wings that suddenly beat in my chest and soared through my body.His scent was all around me. Leather, sandalwood, bonfires in autumn. He pulled back, but only for the sake of moving his lips to trail over my neck.My blood was on fire and I was shaking. Is this really happening?I couldn’t stop thinking about Shay in the clearing. About asking him to kiss me. The electric touch of his lips on mine.But this is where I belong. I tried to push the memories back.Ren stroked my knee, his fingers wandering up my thigh, sliding beneath the hem of my dress.I grabbed his wrist. “Wait.”He didn’t free his arm from my grasp but continued kissing my collar bone.“Let’s skip the waiting part,” he murmured into my skin.”
Andrea Cremer
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“Calla.” My mother’s coaxing voice stopped me. “It is of course perfectly acceptable for Renier to call on you, but remember that you are a lady. Don’t bring shame on yourself by making poor choices.”“No, of course not.” I kept my eyes on the hardwood floor, thinking about Shay’s kiss and how much more I’d wanted from him.A sly smile hovered on Ren’s lips when I returned to the kitchen table.If he heard what Mom said, I’m going to kill her. ”
Andrea Cremer
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“The way you move is incredible.” Ren drew me back to press against him. His fingers slid down to the curve of my hips, rocking our bodies in rhythm with the heavy bass. The sensation of being molded against the hard narrow line of his hips threatened to overwhelm me. We were hidden in the mass of people, right? The Keepers couldn’t see?I tried to steady my breath as Ren kept us locked together in the excruciatingly slow pulse of the music. I closed my eyes and leaned back into his body; his fingers kneaded my hips, caressed my stomach. God, it felt good.My lips parted and the misty veil slipped between them, playing along my tongue. The taste of flower buds about to burst into bloom filled my mouth. Suddenly I wanted nothing more than to melt into Ren. The surge of desire terrified me. I had no idea if the compulsion to draw him more tightly around my body emerged from my own heart or from the succubi’s spellcraft. This couldn’t happen!I started to panic when he bent his head, pressing his lips against my neck. My eyes fluttered and I struggled to focus despite the suffocating heat that pressed down all around me. His sharpened canines traced my skin, scratching but not breaking the surface. My body quaked and I pivoted in his arms, pushing against his chest, making space between us.“I’m a fighter, not a lover,” I gasped.“You can’t be both?” His smile made my knees buckle.”
Andrea Cremer
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