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Andreas Eschbach

Andreas Eschbach is a German writer who mostly writes science fiction. Even if some of his stories do not exactly fall into the SF genre, they usually feature elements of the fantastic.

Eschbach studied aerospace engineering at the University of Stuttgart and later worked as a software engineer. He has been writing since he was 12 years old. His first professional publication was the short story Dolls, published in 1991 in German computing magazine C't. His first novel was published in 1995. Five of his novels have won the Kurd-Laßwitz-Award, one of the most prestigious awards in the German SF scene.

His novels have also been translated into a number of languages, including English, French, Italian, Russian, Polish, Turkish and Japanese.

In 2002, his novel Das Jesus Video was adapted for German television. In 2003, his novel Eine Billion Dollar was adapted for German radio. As of 2006, his only novel translated into English was Die Haarteppichknüpfer, published in 2005 as The Carpet Makers.

“Religion war eine Art Regenschirm. Bei schönem Wetter denkt man überhaupt nicht an seinen Regenschirm. Erst wenn es regnet, fällt er einem wider ein.”
Andreas Eschbach
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“But shame is like a wound that is never exposed and therefore never heals.”
Andreas Eschbach
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“It only becomes art if it touches other people.”
Andreas Eschbach
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“Im Grunde genommen geht es immer noch um den Satz, den ich damals auf meinen Gaderobespiegel geschrieben habe und dessen Ende weggewischt hatte: "Ich passe auf mich auf, aber falls mir etwas passieren sollte..."Die Sache ist die, dass man das nicht einfach wegwischen kann. Falls man nicht gerade beschlossen hat, blind und feig durchs Leben zu gehen, muss man eine Antwort finden auf die Frage, wie dieser Satz weitergehen soll. Und man kann die Frage, was man sich wünscht für die Zeit nach seinem Tod, nicht beantworten, ohne sich darüber im Klaren zu sein, was man sich wahrhaft wünscht für die Zeit davor.”
Andreas Eschbach
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