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Andrei Makine

Andreï Makine was born in Krasnoyarsk, Soviet Union on 10 September 1957 and grew up in city of Penza, a provincial town about 440 miles south-east of Moscow. As a boy, having acquired familiarity with France and its language from his French-born grandmother (it is not certain whether Makine had a French grandmother; in later interviews he claimed to have learnt French from a friend), he wrote poems in both French and his native Russian.

In 1987, he went to France as member of teacher's exchange program and decided to stay. He was granted political asylum and was determined to make a living as a writer in French. However, Makine had to present his first manuscripts as translations from Russian to overcome publishers' skepticism that a newly arrived exile could write so fluently in a second language. After disappointing reactions to his first two novels, it took eight months to find a publisher for his fourth, Le testament français. Finally published in 1995 in France, the novel became the first in history to win both the Prix Goncourt and the Prix Medicis plus the Goncourt des Lycéens.

“They did not speak, surprised to see how simple, almost poor, happiness could be, yes, materially poor and yet so abundant.”
Andrei Makine
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“Their own life together was like a subtle watercolor sketch, invisible to other people. They gave the world what it required of them and for the rest of the time were content to be forgotten.”
Andrei Makine
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“Once again, without explaining anything, they understood that they must leave. Go away before this world woke up and continued with a life from which they were forever excluded.”
Andrei Makine
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“An exile's only country is his country's literature.”
Andrei Makine
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“Historians rewrite the truth every day. What interests us is the truth that gets the reader to reach for his wallet”
Andrei Makine
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“The life these words speak of is not worth the ink they are written in.... He now knows that the only words worth writing down arise when language is impossible.”
Andrei Makine
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“This sacrifice, which saved his life, reminded him again that the evil of this world could be put to rout by the will of a single human being.”
Andrei Makine
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“All of this seemed equally trifling to him now. And when he thought again about the world of free people, the difference between it and the miseries and joys of this place seemed minimal. If three tiny fragments of tea leaf chanced to fall into a prisoner's battered cup, he relished them. In Leningrad during the interval at the opera a woman sipped champagne with the same pleasure. Their sufferings were also comparable. Both the prisoner and the woman had painful shoes. Hers were narrow evening shoes which she took off during the performance. The prisoner suffered from what they wore in the camp, section of tyres into which you thrust your foot wrapped in rags and fastened with string. The woman at the opera knew that somewhere in the world there were millions of beings transformed into gaunt animals, their faces blackened by the polar winds. But this did not stop her drinking her glass of wine amid the glittering of the great mirrors. The prisoner knew that a warm and brilliant life was lived elsewhere in tranquility but this did not spoil his pleasure as he chewed those fragments of tea leaf....”
Andrei Makine
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“This happiness rendered absurd men's desire to dominate, to kill, to possess, thought Volsky. For neither Mila nor he possessed anything. Their joy came from the things one does not possess, from what other people had abandoned or scorned. But, above all, this sunset, this scent of warm bark, these clouds above the young trees in the graveyard, these belonged to everybody!”
Andrei Makine
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“He had already come to see human lives as one single communal life and it was perhaps this perception that gave him hope.”
Andrei Makine
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“In war the most testing moments are those of peace , for a dead man lying in the grass makes the living see the world as it would be, but for their folly.”
Andrei Makine
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“Volsky once more had the feeling that the bond between them was indifferent to the demise of bodies.”
Andrei Makine
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“The though revives in him the oldest memory of his life. A child sees a door closing: without knowing who it is that has just left, he senses it is someone he loves with all his tiny, still mute being.”
Andrei Makine
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“(...) the translator of prose is the slave of the author and the translator of poetry is his rival.”
Andrei Makine
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“People speak because they are afraid of silence. They speak mechanically whether aloud or to themselves. They are intoxicated by this vocal gruel that ensnares every object and every being. They talk about rain and fine weather; they talk about money, about love, about nothing. And even when they are talking about their most exalted love, they use words uttered a hundred times, threadbare phrases.”
Andrei Makine
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“...she studies to be equal in a world that is no longer surprised at anything”
Andrei Makine
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