I write mainly gay, m/m, slash, yaoi stories. I suppose, with a few exceptions, I should call them novels really.
You can read the first twelve chapters of the
Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse
series on my website,
If you'd like me to send you an email when I release a new book, you can subscribe to my
New Releases Newsletter
I have no great literary ambitions. I just tell stories, and I try to do it as good as I can, hoping other people will enjoy reading them.
Most of them have explicit scenes in them, often of a rather kinky nature. But they're only the raisins in the pudding, because — as I already said — I actually enjoy telling stories. That means there always is a plot, or, more often, several plots.
I love exploring what makes people tick, what makes them do the often quirky things they do. Also, I enjoy playing with expectations, boundaries, taboos even.
I don't think I'm going to send out friend requests myself. I write stuff and people get the impression that you only want to befriend them to get them to read your work and write reviews.
That's not to say I don't want friends (or reviews, for that matter). If you want to befriend me, just send me an invitation. I will almost certainly accept.
If you have questions, or remarks, or you need to contact me for another reason, you're very welcome to do so through this
contact form