I just edited two classic anthologies - Middle Unearthed: The Best Fantasy Short Stories 1800-1849 along with Mesaerion: The Best Science Fiction Short Stories 1800-1849.
I am the author of "The Divine Dantes" trilogy that is a laugh-out-loud rock love story following the characters of "The Divine Comedy" in modern times.
I also penned the awarding book "Coffee with Poe: A Novel of Edgar Allan Poe's Life." The book brings America's most mysterious author and poet to life as never before. It was a finalist winner in the USA Best Book Awards. Visit my website for exclusive interviews and to buy my titles.
Best regards and Goodread(ing),
Andrew Barger
Website: http://www.AndrewBarger.com
Blog: http://www.andrewbarger.blogspot.com
“Yes, it would nice for this fifty year period, this cradle of all vampire short stories in the English language, to include a vampire tale by Edgar Allan Poe. But the sad answer is that Poe never penned a vampire story.”
“. . . never seen him inspired by any more dangerous stimulant than strong coffee, of which he was very fond & of which [he] drank freely. MacIntosh says that the measure of a man's brain is the amount of coffee he can drink with impunity.SARAH HELEN WHITMAN (POE'S FIANCÉE) TO JOHN INGRAMDECEMBER 13, 1874”
“Literature is the most noble of professions. In fact, it is about the only one fit for a man. For my own part, there is no seducing me from the path. I shall be a litterateur, at least, all my life; nor would I abandon the hopes which still lead me on for all the gold in California.”EDGAR ALLAN POE TO FREDERICK WILLIAM THOMASFEBRUARY 14, 1849”
“He is our man's-man of literature.”
“People talk and rumors follow,” I said.“Most people claim that only a person possessed of the devil could write such horror.”“And what do you think?”“You are an angel to me, Eddy, but never bet the devil your head.”“That would make a great title for a story,” I observed.”
“Charlotte Bronte borrowed liberally and sloppily from Joseph Sheridan le Fanu when penning Jane Eyre. The originality of this classic novel is tarnished as a result.”
“The difficulty with Poe is not figuring out which of his stories rise to the level required of this collection, but rather which of his stories to exclude from it.”
“The short story is not, as some believe, a lesser form of literature than the novel.”
“All Ghosts Are Gray”
“They say everything that can be written has been written. I say we are just getting started.”
“Is not our purest form of writing that done without the taint of money?”