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Andrew Brown

Inspired by Old Testament war stories, first time author Andrew Brown writes an epic action-adventure novel, the beginning of a series, about defeating impossible odds with only faith and an iron will.

Andrew grew up as an avid movie buff and had a burning passion for the martial arts. He achieved his black belt in Karate at age fourteen, then later went on to study Wing Chun and other various mixed martial arts. After engrossing himself in many television series throughout the years, Andrew developed a knack for predicting major plot points, character motives, endings, who'd fall in love, and nailing down the mysterious killers. He then challenged himself to study the art of writing fiction shortly after finishing his favorite book series - Left Behind, by author Jerry Jenkins.

Andrew lives happily with his wife and two children in Portland Oregon.

“The price you have to pay to be great at something - is repetition.”
Andrew Brown
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