Andrew   Nicholson photo

Andrew Nicholson

I am Creative Director of an advertising agency specialising in health.

When you use your imagination for your job, you look for ideas everywhere - sometimes a little desperately. Once you’ve trained your brain to work in this way, it’s very hard to switch it off. So even when I’m not working, everything I read or see sparks an idea.

Because of my love of books, a lot of the time these ideas are related to plots or storylines. For my own amusement, on the long and often boring journeys to client presentations, I would pass the time by knitting these ideas together into stories. Over many journeys and years, the characters developed and the stories evolved.

It was at this point that I decided to put some of my ideas down on paper. That was the beginning of Soldiers And Sisterhood.

“I describe Soldiers And Sisterhood as the literary equivalent of a chocolte biscuit - all the fun and and none of the calories.”
Andrew Nicholson
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