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Andrew Pyper

“Darkness isn't the matter from which the Antichrist was formed, but intelligence. Foreknowledge.”
Andrew Pyper
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“I am well and truly messed up.”
Andrew Pyper
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“I've seen the photos," he said."Photos are never the same as the real thing," I said.”
Andrew Pyper
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“The dead boy floats by.”
Andrew Pyper
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“We need to talk." she says."The four most dreaded words in the history of marriage.”
Andrew Pyper
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“And this is the only really startling thing about the evil of the world: not that so much of it exists, but that nobody ever really expects it.”
Andrew Pyper
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“It's strange. Hearing you say my name.""I can say it again if you'd like.""No, I'll remember just fine.”
Andrew Pyper
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