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Andrew Southwood

Unlike many author profile pages, this one is actually maintained by the author. It's me you'll get when you send a private message, and I will respond to each and every one. Feel free to contact me at anytime, either here, or at my primary email address ... [email protected]


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Room 147

Matt, from London, has a photography business to promote online. He joins social networking sites, aiming to reach out to his intended audience. It was through one of these that he meets Mary Lou from Texas.

After several months chatting with her, he decides to abandon Britain for a few weeks and visit his new friend. She is still rebuilding her life, following a bitter divorce. In Matt, she believes a new man has come into her world, better than any man before.

What Matt fails to tell her is that he has a hidden motive for visiting America. Whilst in Dallas he also meets Mary Lou’s friends, Carla and Brandi. He becomes inadvertently involved in numerous steamy scenes and some near misses.

A story of deceit and betrayal begins to unfold, culminating in scornful revenge and injustice.


Dark Secrets

When Crystal, from New York, wins first prize in a draw she anticipates having the time of her life in Paris. Rather than take her husband, she chooses her best friend, Monica. Together they plan a vacation to remember.

On their second day in France, Crystal has a chance encounter with a depressed man called Hugh. She falls for his pitiful tales and agrees to go to his apartment, but only for a chat. While she’s there the naughty girl within her decides to come out and play. Hugh takes advantage of her trusting nature, determined to succeed with his secret agenda.

Crystal’s wonderful vacation soon descends into a living hell. What she doesn’t realise is that Monica too is no longer enjoying her visit to Europe. Both women receive separate and unwelcome deliveries to their hotel, prompting them into taking desperate action to prevent catastrophic disasters from destroying their marriages.

A story of revenge and counter-revenge begins to unfold, but ultimately more than one man deserves to be punished.


Sinful Lovers

Two years ago, Caroline (from Oklahoma) met Adam (from London) on a social networking site. After several months of online chatting she finally arranged to visit him.

No sooner has she arrived in England when the man of her dreams springs the first of his many surprises upon her. Instead of spending a week in the English capital, he decides to whisk her away to the coastal resort of St Ives in the county of Cornwall.

They travel down to England’s far flung South Western shores on board The Night Riviera, the scene of an overnight steamy encounter that goes well beyond their previously agreed boundaries.

Fully expecting to see pirates and shipwrecks during her vacation, Caroline finds neither but does have the misfortune to meet an irritating parrot insisting on commentating on certain activities, Captain Stanley in charge of The Hard One and bible-worshippers reprimanding her wanton behaviour.

She falls in love with Cornwall – a land of deserted beaches and romantic coves, quaint inns and harbours smaller than her ass.

Adam too is in love, with her, and seeks to prove it in various locations.

“Some of the nicest people I've never met live inside my computer.”
Andrew Southwood
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