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Andrew Sturm

Andrew is the author of "The Kirkwood Project" and is currently in the process of writing his second novel. He lives in the quaint little town of Caruthersville, Mo., with his two cats, Rook and Bishop. Andrew hopes to define a new realm of psychological thriller that features the best and worst aspects of the mind. His goal is to make his reader's cringe, fear, laugh, and love - precisely in that order of priority.

As of late, he wants a pet kangaroo who smokes menthol cigarettes. He will be named Rooster.

“There's no such thing as a sane woman.”
Andrew Sturm
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“Becoming an adult is all about accepting that you didn't know anything when you were a kid.”
Andrew Sturm
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“His heart beat so rapidly it might burst; he kept telling himself everything was fine so long as he remained a giraffe.”
Andrew Sturm
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“I'm not saying you're weak, but you brawl like a couple of girls having a pillow fight.”
Andrew Sturm
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“Love's a funny thing, especially with a man who gets paid to put junk in other people's slots. (The Mail Man)”
Andrew Sturm
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“A great man will experience more failures than successes. If we lived for the successes, we would have all killed ourselves by now.”
Andrew Sturm
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“Learn to be embarrassed by little and sorry about even less.”
Andrew Sturm
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“If you don't laugh at the crazy things, you're liable to lose your mind.”
Andrew Sturm
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“All of life is like raindrops on the window; some stick around for a little while and some just fall right out of the picture.”
Andrew Sturm
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“I've gotta die of something, but I don't wanna die of it today.”
Andrew Sturm
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“Love happens in the strangest places at the strangest times.”
Andrew Sturm
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“Can I get a two-thumbs up for a fatter America?”
Andrew Sturm
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“Everyone hated Calculus. Quadratic equations, parabolas, logarithms, trigonometry - you name it. It was like floating in an endless, frictionless void traveling at x miles per hour at a descension rate of one half the speed of gravity. Solve for x.”
Andrew Sturm
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“No matter how you twist and turn, your ass is always in the back.”
Andrew Sturm
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“I had a quack in the floor. So, I had to use ductile.”
Andrew Sturm
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“People cheer on tyrants for fear of becoming targets.”
Andrew Sturm
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