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Angela Corbett

As a child, Angela Corbett’s most prized possession was a set of read-along books. She used to follow along with the narrator and dream of when she would be able to read by herself. Her childhood reading habit led her to consider her future career. However, after consulting with her parents, she realized she had already exceeded hobbit height and since fairies and dragonslayers were tricky jobs to get, she decided she wanted to create worlds of her own.

Angela is a USA Today Bestselling author, and a graduate of Westminster College where she double majored in communication and sociology and minored in business. She has worked as a journalist, freelance writer, and director of communications and marketing. She lives in Utah with her extremely supportive husband and their dog, S'more. She loves classic cars, traveling, puppies, and can be bribed with The People's Coffee mochas.

She’s the author of Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult fiction—with lots of kissing. She writes under two names: Angela Corbett, and Destiny Ford.

“Did you have a good nap?" Emil asked."Yeah, I guess I was tired. I need to practice resting when I go on vacations instead of getting stressed out." "Why are you stressed?" Emil Asked, perplexed. This question confirmed it for me, guys really are idiots.”
Angela Corbett
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“For me . . .” the words seemed difficult for Alex to find, “getting to stay with you, to spend more time with you . . . to love you the wayyou should be loved, it’s all I live for.”
Angela Corbett
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“His eyes were warm as he gazed at me. “I would do anything for you, don’t ever forget that.” Emil moved closer, gently tucking the rose behind my ear. The floral scent perfumed every breath I took as Emil brushed his thumb lightly over my lips. “Evie, I lost you once, I won’tlose you again. Even if it takes a thousand years to earn your trust and win you back, I’ll do it. You’re the only person in my life who matters.You’re the only person who ever has. I love you. Emil”
Angela Corbett
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“Emil stood on the other side, bags under hiseyes, his hair disheveled. I’d never seen him look sounkempt. He actually seemed depressed. I motionedfor him to come in. When he did, I shut the door andhe followed me to the couches.”
Angela Corbett
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“Emil on top of me, his breath heavy on my neck. As our eyes met and held, the playfulness turned into something else entirely, something with a lot more heat. Emil leaned in, barely brushing his lips against my own he whispered, “We were good at this then too.”As his soft lips met mine, my entire body felt molten—liquid and hot, moving seamlessly with his.”
Angela Corbett
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“Everything changes, but my love for you never will. I’ve fought myself on this too long and I can’t pretend anymore. I can’t feign that I don’t want to talk to you, to reach out and brush the hair out of your eyes, or wipe a tear off your cheek. I want to hold you, to tell you how much I love you, to kiss you without repercussions.” His voice grew softer, electricity sparking in the air. “I’ve loved you since I met you, Evangeline, and I will love you for all of eternity.”
Angela Corbett
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“You said I told you I was in love with someone else, but I’m not. That’s not what I meant. Cassandra was a part of my past, but our time together ended. The only person I want, the only person I love, is you.”
Angela Corbett
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“There are things you haven’t thought of in centuries.” I waited for the joke, then realized he was serious. Apparently our break up had turned him into a raving lunatic. I should probably be flattered. “Really Alex, you don’t have to act like an immature kid. It’s fine if you want to see me again, but next time, just say so instead of making up asinine stories.”
Angela Corbett
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“Emil glowered and shot back, “Like you didn’t leave her in shambles. How could you claim to love her, yet stand back and watch as she went through that kind of pain? Don’t act so noble. You know you’re the reason she came to me. To me, Night, she wanted me.” Emil’s entire countenance changed, even his voice.Everything about him became darker.”
Angela Corbett
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“Alex watched me with a measured stare. “What if he’s dangerous?”I smiled wickedly. “Then I’ll die happy.”
Angela Corbett
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“Hey sexy, I missed you.” - Emil Stone”
Angela Corbett
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“What do you think?” I asked, a teasing smile curving my lips. “Did we know each other in another life?”He gave a faint smile. “I can guarantee it.”I looked up at him, surprised by his seriousness. “Oh really?” I said, cocking an eyebrow coyly, “So what was I like, oh-expert-on-my-past-life?”A smile touched his lips. As he thought, he seemed to be in another place.When he came out of his trance, he answered, “Similar to how you are now. Smart,funny, stunningly beautiful . . . and you were a horrible pool player then too.” He laughed as I punched him in the shoulder.“Very funny,” I said.“Your punches used to hurt less though.”
Angela Corbett
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“ Alex moved closer to me, never taking his eyes from mine. “What if your eternity doesn’t start when you die?” he asked carefully. “What if your eternity has been going on since before you were born?”I stared at him with a blank face, wondering what drugs he was on. ”
Angela Corbett
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