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Angela Eschler

“As Emma's final days drew near, she reported a vision in which Joseph came to her. In the dream she put on her bonnet and shawl and went with him: "I did not think that it was anything unusual. I went with him into a [beautiful] mansion, and he showed me through the different apartments." One room was a nursery, and there she saw with joy an infant in the cradle. Emma continued, "I knew my babe, my Don Carlos that was taken from me."Emma sprang forward, caught the child up in her arms, held him to her exultant heart, and wept with joy. Recovered from the overwhelming emotion of once again holding her little one, she turned to Joseph and asked, "Joseph, where are the rest of my children?" He responded, "Emma, be patient and you shall have all of your children."As her vision closed, Emma saw standing by Joseph's side a personage of light, even the Lord Jesus Christ. That vision must have been a final seal of peace upon Emma's heart, writing upon it her precious sealing to Joseph on that beautiful spring day in 1843.A few days later, Emma trembled at the threshold of eternity, surrounded by her loved ones. Suddenly she raised herself up, stretched out her hand, and called, "Joseph! Joseph!" Then, sinking back into her son's arm, she clasped her hands on her chest and was gone. At last they were together once more--Joseph and Emma, hearts twined as one, never to be separated again.”
Angela Eschler
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“LETTER FROM JOSEPH TO EMMAGREENVILLE, INDIANA SENT TO KIRTLAND, OHIO6 JUNE 1832"I will try to be contented with my lot knowing that God is my friend. In him I shall find comfort. I have given my life into his hands. I am prepared to go at his call. I desire to be with Christ. I count not my life dear to me, only to do his will.”
Angela Eschler
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“Joseph was not impervious to frustration and impatience. Cried he from the filthy confines of Liberty Jail, "O God, where art thou?" (D&C 121:1). The pain evident in that cry reveals a student still learning from the Master Teacher.”
Angela Eschler
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“LETTER FROM JOSEPH TO EMMANEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK13 OCTOBER 1832"I feel as if I wanted to say something to you to comfort you in your peculiar trial and present affliction. I hope God will give you strength that you may not faint. I pray God to soften the hearts of those around you to be kind to you and take the burden off your shoulders as much as possible and not afflict you. I feel for you, for I know your state and that others do not, but you must comfort yourself knowing that God is your friend in Heaven and that you have one true and living friend on earth, your husband.”
Angela Eschler
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“Consider the words to "How Firm A Foundation," one of the songs she chose for the original hymnal: "When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of sorrow shall not thee o'erflow, For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress." This quenching promise was no doubt what Joseph and Emma clung to as they waited for each sweet reunion.”
Angela Eschler
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“EMMA'S BLESSINGWRITTEN IN NAUVOO, ILLINOIS 1844A blessing Emma wrote for herself, having asked Joseph for a blessing right before he left for Carthage. Not having time, he told her to write the best blessing she could, and he would sign it upon his return. He never returned."I desire with all my heart to honor and respect my husband...ever to live in his confidence and by acting in unison with him, retain the place which God has given me by his side.”
Angela Eschler
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