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Angela Rose

I love reading, writing, history, romance and all things Scottish! I a member of the Romance Writers of America organization, as well as its local chapter the Heart of Carolina located in Raleigh, NC. I am of a member of the Triangle’s Writer’s Group.

My first children’s book is due to release June 2013 through Mountain Springs House Publishing. It is my plans to write about “Life Lessons Through Literature” through my The Adventures of Happy Valley Glen series. The first book is titled The Raccoon Family Moves in.

I don’t remember a time that I didn’t read, but my love of literature intensified during the high school years, when I was introduced to Charlotte Bronte and Shakespeare!! My favorite book of all time will always be The Outsiders by SE Hinton. This is when the writing bug bit and I discovered my love of writing and telling a story.

I have one grown daughter and three gorgeous grandchildren. My husband and I decided when we married 14 years ago, that we would wanted a son, so we adopted six, yes I said six boys! When I'm not reading and writing, I'm running to and from schools, to sports practices or appointments!! I started my Eight Z Enuff blog on facebook, as a way to record what its like to raise a blended, multi-cultural family in the 21st Century, and I love to capture some of the "off the wall" remarks of my then 4 year old Julius, which we refer to as Juliusisms! However, all my kids or grandkids have given me some great one-liners!!

I was born and raised in southern Maine, but moved to the Raleigh, NC area in 2008 for my husband's work! I'm an advocate for animals, children and juvenile diabetes! We have a Boxer named Greta, a Chocolate Lab named Moose Man and a Pug named Mama Mia! Oh and we can't forget about our grandbird LL Cool Jake. He's an African Grey Parrot that thinks he's Clint Eastwood!!

In addition to the above I love to play volleyball, softball and golf, but I don't claim to be the best. However, I can be very competitive!!! I love attending Renaissance fairs and highland games. Photography and traveling are my other hobbies.

“A dysfunctional family makes for great writing -”
Angela Rose
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