Aniruddha Sastikar photo

Aniruddha Sastikar

I was born in 1974 in Yavatmal, Maharashtra and brought-up in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. A graduate in Commerce and has worked in various professions like – Sales, Marketing, Banking, Automobiles, Market Research, and Social Media.

During my working years, I never knew I could use the pen to write; until a few years ago, when I saw a family of three, crossing over the street, while returning home; reminded me of my daughter and wife; just then the idea of exploring penning skills struck me. Initially, I started with a poetry dedicated to my daughter Chinmayee and daughters across the world.

I have authored three poetry books entitled Maiden Musings – Vol. 1 and 2, and Wings of Freedom, and being fond of children, I also have written a short story book for children entitled ‘Once upon a time...’

I love photography and try to add voice to whatever pictures I capture. I share my photo poetry on my blog, and as a part of regular blogging, I shares my thoughts on another blog

It was in July 2015; one of my photographs was exhibited at ‘The Louvre Museum’, Paris, France, in the architecture collection. The exhibition was organized by SeeMe.

Recently yet another photograph was displayed at Chashama Art Gallery in New York, New York. The exhibition was organized by SeeMe, SquareSpace, & Chashama Art Gallery.

Although, this isn’t just the end, I always strive to learn and improvise my works.

I live with my wife – Anshumati and daughter – Chinmayee in Ahmedabad, Gujarat India.

“For most of us a job is bread and butter and for most of others its just bread and butter.”
Aniruddha Sastikar
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