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Anita Nair

Anita Nair is the bestselling and critically acclaimed author of the novels The Better Man, Ladies Coupé, Mistress, Lessons in Forgetting, Idris: Keeper of the Light and Alphabet Soup for Lovers. She has also authored a crime series featuring Inspector Gowda.

Anita Nair’s other books include a collection of poems titled Malabar Mind, a collection of essays titled Goodnight & God Bless and six books for children. Anita Nair has also written two plays and the screenplay for the movie adaptation of her novel Lessons in Forgetting which was part of the Indian Panorama at IFFI 2012 and won the National Film Award in 2013. Among other awards, she was also given the Central Sahitya Akademi award and the Crossword Prize. Her books have been translated into over thirty one languages around the world. She is also the founder of the creative writing and mentorship program Anita’s Attic.

“—Tienes suerte —dije— de haber preservado el sueño en el mismo estado en que lo tuviste, de seguir deseándolo a pesar de los años de espera”
Anita Nair
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“Siempre he creído que si deseas algo con la fuerza suficiente y esperas el tiempo necesario,acabará por ser tuyo”
Anita Nair
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“Could a literary life be referred to with the iambic pentameter of, say, harnessing wind power, transplanting hearts or saving the whales. Or did it necessitate the sombre and monotonous dirge of software, priority banking or turbine building.”
Anita Nair
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“El amor es un líquido incoloro, volátil. El amor se inflama y arde. El amor no deja residuos: ni humo ni ceniza. El amor es un veneno disfrazado de vino.”
Anita Nair
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“This is the world. Half of it is lit by the sun and the other half remains in darkness. It is the same with life. There is good and bad and it's our duty to remain in the light, be good.”
Anita Nair
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