Ann Macela Do you believe in magic photo

Ann Macela Do you believe in magic

I have been blessed with a number of careers: public school and university teacher (three degrees in history); writer of history (the kind bristling with footnotes); sales, marketing and PR person writing everything from ads to annual reports; consultant and computer manual writer; and now romance author. A native Texan, I spent most of my life on the Gulf Coast until my husband’s and my business took us first to Minneapolis and then to the Chicago area. It didn’t take me long to learn how to survive in The Frozen North--just wear my entire wardrobe at one time. All of this, some travels here and abroad, and my computer-and-accounting savvy husband have given me inspiration and details for my stories.

In Chicagoland, I finally had the time to do what I have always wanted to: write fiction. I write both contemporary and contemporary paranormal stories. I hope my readers enjoy my magic practitioners. We all need a little magic in our lives.


“What do you think of allthis, darlin’? Will you be my soul mate?”
Ann Macela Do you believe in magic
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