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Ann Werner

I have always had a voracious curiosity and loved doing creative things. The combination of the two has resulted in a lifetime of experiences. From the mundane to the ridiculous to the sublime, I've pretty much run the gamut. At one point in time I sold cemetery plots - that didn't last long - and I've also been a professional actor, my most notable role being Eliana on the soap opera Days of Our Lives for nearly seven and a half years. But books have always been my passion and I started writing in earnest in 1997, although I have been writing all of my adult life. I think entertaining people is one of the most important things one can do. When you're having a bad day, when your heart gets broken, when things seem bleak, you can always find a few minute's respite in the pages of a book or by watching your favorite TV show or movie. If I can provide that respite for someone, then I feel that I've done something worthwhile.

“Regrets are hollow things.”
Ann Werner
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