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Ann Wigmore

Dr. Ann Wigmore, teacher, healer, Living Foods Lifestyle® founder and Center director and author of numerous books and articles on Living Foods, dedicated her life to educating the world about the transforming qualities of this wonderful lifestyle. She wrote over fifteen books, distributing over one million copies,[citation needed] and lectured in thirty-five countries.The Vegetarian Times Magazine once stated, "Dr. Ann Wigmore is to sprouts what George Washington Carver is to peanuts. Both are food geniuses of a sort. The next time you see sprouts on a salad bar or in a store, thank Dr. Ann."

In 1968, Ann Wigmore co-founded the Hippocrates Health Institute, a health resort in the United States, with Viktoras Kulvinskas. Known as "the mother of living foods", she was an early pioneer in the use of wheatgrass juice and living foods for detoxifying and healing the body, mind, and spirit.

In her autobiography, Why Suffer?: How I Overcame Illness & Pain Naturally, Wigmore recalls observing her grandmother using herbs and natural remedies as a child in Lithuania.

Dr Ann was Founder-Director of the Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute in Puerto Rico and the Ann Wigmore Foundation in Boston, Massachusetts. She died an untimely death from smoke inhalation in a fire in her Boston center in February, 1994. At the time of her death, she was 84 years young and had more energy than most 20-year-olds!

Today, her methods are still being taught at the Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute.

“Your health is what you make of it. Everything you do and think either adds to the vitality, energy and spirit you possess or takes away from it.”
Ann Wigmore
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“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”
Ann Wigmore
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“In this fast paced world it is too frequently the case that people accept what society, family members and the authorities, whom nobody ever seems to question, believe regarding how to live their lives. And yet, the happiest people I know have been those who have accepted the primary responsibility for their own spiritual and physical well-being - those who have inner strength, courage, determination, common sense and faith in the process of creating more balanced and satisfying lives for themselves.”
Ann Wigmore
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