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Anna Carey

Anna Carey has been a gift wrapper, face painter, nanny, horrific cocktail waitress, sofa saleswoman and children's book editor. She graduated from New York University and has an MFA in fiction from Brooklyn College. She currently lives in Los Angeles, where she can be found writing, reading, and referencing 90s pop culture.

“What are you doing with all these books?" I asked, stepping towards a tall stack on the floor. I ran my fingers down the spines, recognizing a few familiar titles from School: Heart of Darkness, The Great Gatsby, and To the Lighthouse.Caleb came beside me, his warm shoulder brushing against mine. "I do this funny thing sometimes," she said, shooting me a mischievous grin. "I open a book, and I look at each page. It's called reading”
Anna Carey
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“Leif gripped Benny's shoulders to hold him back, but he broke free and chased the truck, pumping his tiny arms and legs with great furry."I love you!" he called out, when he was just ten feet away. I gripped the metal bars, my throat choked with emotion."I love you!" Silas cried, as he followed.They both kept after us, sprinting wildly behind the cage. I watched their mouths moving, saying those words over and again, as the truck bounded through the woods and their small bodies disappeared, unreachable, behind the trees.”
Anna Carey
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“We stood side by side, and for that minute, in the stillness of that room, he was not the King. I was not not the Princess, taken against her will to the City. We were two people trying to forget.”
Anna Carey
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“You do anything for the person you love,” she said finally. "And then when you don’t think you can give any more of yourself, you do. You keep going. Because it would kill you not to.”
Anna Carey
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“I’d stare up at the sky, reminding myself that Caleb and I were both underneath it. That wherever he was, whatever he was doing, we would always share something.”
Anna Carey
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“There was something about thatword—we—that comforted me. There was no longer him. There was nolonger me. There was us.”
Anna Carey
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“What if I still want to go?""Then you'll go," he said. "But I wanted you to know the danger.”
Anna Carey
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“I've fallen in love with you," he whispered to kiss the top of my hand.”
Anna Carey
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“It does not in any way, shape, or form resemble Winnie the Pooh.”
Anna Carey
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“I loved every part of him. The smell of his skin, the scar on his cheek, the feel of his fingers pressing into my back. The way he could tell what I was thinking just by looking at me.”
Anna Carey
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“-loving someone meant knowing that your life would be worse without them in it.-Caleb (Benny)”
Anna Carey
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“I wished to no longer hear the grayed bones crunching underneath the brush or feel the now inexorable fear that seemed to work its way inside my rib cage, rocking me at my core.”
Anna Carey
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“I let the wound fester and grow, feeding on the silence between us. I learned then a crucial truth: that a relationship between two people can be judged by the list of things unspoken between them.”
Anna Carey
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“El amor era el único adversario de la muerte, la única cosa capaz de luchar contra sus voraces y desesperadas garras.”
Anna Carey
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“loving someone meant knowing your life will be worse without them in it.”
Anna Carey
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“I learned the strange art of loneliness, the weathered yearning that swells and passes, and swells and passes, when you walk a trail alone.”
Anna Carey
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“I had once read, in one of those pre-plague books in the library, that love was bearing witness. That it was the act of watching someone's life, of simply being there to say: you're life is worth seeing.”
Anna Carey
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“Time itself is neutral.”
Anna Carey
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“did he know that he worked his way into my dreams, where i missed him even in sleep”
Anna Carey
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“What If I still want to go?" "Then you'll go," he said. "But I wanted you to know the danger." "There's always danger." His green eyes met mine. I was starting to see It, how It could happen-Caleb and me.”
Anna Carey
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“He especially loved people - is so happy, especially remembering Eloise.”
Anna Carey
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“I loved my mother too,' I said. 'I still do. That's the thing - it never goes away, even if the person does.”
Anna Carey
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“You can love anyone. Love is just caring about someone very deeply. Feeling like thatperson matters to you, like your whole world would be sadder without them in it.”
Anna Carey
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“Iubirea înseamnă să ţii la cineva foarte mult. Să simţi că acea persoană contează pentru tine, ca şi când întreaga ta viaţă ar fi mai tristă fără ea.”
Anna Carey
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“Am început să plâng, ştiind într-un final adevărul: dragostea era singurul adversar al morţii. singurul lucru îndeajuns de puternic să se lupte cu prinsoarea disperată a acesteia.”
Anna Carey
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“Am învăţat atunci un adevăr crucial: că o relaţie poate fi judecată după lista de lucruri nespuse dintre 2 persoane.”
Anna Carey
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“The plague had killed far more females than males. As one of the few women in The New America, especially an educated, civilized woman, I’d always supposed I was ever man’s type.”
Anna Carey
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“I didn’t know which was worse: to be killed by some brute animal or be taken off with a wild Neanderthal on horseback.”
Anna Carey
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“If The Islands South Ever Vanish, Even Further Into Navy Depths, My Eloise Could Appreciate Lovly Endless Blues.”
Anna Carey
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“I love you, I love you, I love you.”
Anna Carey
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“Love was death’s only adversary, the only thing powerful enough to combat its clawing, desperate grasp.”
Anna Carey
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“A relationship between two people can be judged by the list of things unspoken between them.”
Anna Carey
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“Sometimes it seems like all the things I need to know, I don’t. And all the things I do know are completely wrong.”
Anna Carey
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