Anna Maxted is a bestselling author based in North London, England. Born in 1969, she is married to fellow author and journalist Philip Robinson and they have three young sons. She writes female contemporary fiction which is viewed to be at the high end of the chick lit market. Anna Maxted read English Literature at Girton College, Cambridge, before becoming a journalist. She is former Assistant Editor of Cosmopolitan, and has freelanced for most national newspapers and magazines, including The Independent on Sunday, The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, The Times, Daily Express, FHM, Esquire and Living Etc.
As well as being rich in humour, Anna's novels invariably deal with some of the deeper and more complicated issues facing women, such as grief, abandonment, rejection, motherhood, and sibling rivalry.
Her first novel Getting Over It, was semi-autobiographical and based very much around her experience of the death of her own father.
“But at least if you hint and are rejected, the rejection is blurable rather than blistering. Whereas if you ask outright and are refused, the humiliation is as stark as a streaker on a football.”
“When you're right there in the crisi, you'll do anything to make yourself feel better, distract yourself from the misery, deny reality, not matter how stupid.”
“Her cupboards are crammed with Cappuccino mix. No one needs Cappuccino mix. It's not diginified. She watched 'Super Size Me' and went straight to McDonald's. She did the Atkins Diet, "but with potatoes.”
“Curiosity was a mild irritant, but nothing in the face of fear like this. By doing nothing, I determined that nothing would change, and it didn't. People moan about being in limbo, but actually, I found limbo the safest place to be.”
“I knew I wasn't second best for Tim (just as I knew that in real life, Jolene's flaming locks and eyes of emerald green stood no change against the aces of spades that was Dolly Parton's chest), but it took some believing, because I'd been second best to my sister for most of my life. That shakes your faith in yourself.”
“Come on, Lizbet, that man adores you, he worships your body with his eyes.”
“You can hate a person with your whole body, but love is a stubborn thing, it clings on in your heart.”
“Jack had the power to make my heart fly. He also had the power to shoot it out of the sky. Because, let’s not forget, love isn’t just about the flying.”
“...When I look back on my life's greatest traumas...I see that each one has something in common. No matter how life-shattering they felt at the time, there was an end to them.”