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Anna White

“There's too much pain and uncertainty in the world. You should seize happiness whenever it comes, and hold onto it for as long as you can.”
Anna White
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“Now I know this is going to seem counter to every instinct that you have, but I'm going to ask you to sit still, or I'll put you in the trunk.”
Anna White
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“All I’m saying is that I don’t want to sort of fall in love with fifty different people. I’d rather find one person and fall completely, deeply in over my head.”
Anna White
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“There’s always a choice,” Lucian reassured her. “Always.” He kissed herforehead softly. “I love you,” he said. He lips trailed down her face, brushing slowly over her nose, across her eyelids. “I would stay with you forever, until the end ofTime.”
Anna White
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