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Anne Brooke

Anne Brooke lives in Surrey, UK. She is a multi-published author in a variety of genres, including gay erotic romance, fantasy, comedy, thrillers, biblical fiction and the occasional chicklit novel. Her fiction has been shortlisted for the Harry Bowling Prize (for novels set in London) and the Royal Literary Fund Scheme.

When not writing, she spends time in the garden attempting to differentiate between flowers and weeds. Occasionally, she can also be found in the kitchen making cakes. Every now and again, they are edible.

Her websites can be found at:,, and (for fantasy fiction).

She has a Facebook fan page here:

She is also on Twitter:


"Every single character here is unique. I couldn't stop thinking while reading this story that each and every one of them pulses with life." (MM Good Book Reviews on Maloney's Law)

"a flawlessly written, beautiful yet haunting story, at times gritty, dark and intense" (Queer Magazine Online on A Dangerous Man)

"an exceptionally well written and thrilling mystery novel. This novel grabbed a hold of me almost immediately and would not let go." (Romance Junkies Reviews on The Bones of Summer)

"a slow burning mystery woven into the ordinary lives of a close-knit group of friends. This is a great choice for readers who prefer to get to know characters well before the plot heats up. The payoff at the end is well worth the initial emotional investment." (Long and Short Reviews about Thorn in The Flesh)

"a great, laid back story with many twists to keep you laughing. The fast paced flow of the wacky story was undeniably fun. I say that if on a rainy day or just when you need to laugh in a 'The Birdcage' feel, this book is for you." (Dark Diva Reviews on Pink Champagne and Apple Juice)

“It feels as if there are two people inside me. One I know, but the other is unfamiliar, though not unwelcome. He lives and breathes within me and I revel in it.”
Anne Brooke
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“It's all done by smoke and mirrors ...”
Anne Brooke
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