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Anne McCaffrey

Anne Inez McCaffrey was an American writer known for the Dragonriders of Pern science fiction series. She was the first woman to win a Hugo Award for fiction (Best Novella, Weyr Search, 1968) and the first to win a Nebula Award (Best Novella, Dragonrider, 1969). Her 1978 novel The White Dragon became one of the first science-fiction books to appear on the New York Times Best Seller list.

In 2005 the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America named McCaffrey its 22nd Grand Master, an annual award to living writers of fantasy and science fiction. She was inducted by the Science Fiction Hall of Fame on 17 June 2006. She also received the Robert A. Heinlein Award for her work in 2007.

“Die happy-I will," F'nor cried, cutting more fruit.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“How much can a dragon carry?As much as it thinks it can”
Anne McCaffrey
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“When bad fortune occurs, the unresourceful, unimaginative man looks about him to attach the blame to someone else; the resolute accepts misfortune and endeavors to survive, mature, and improve because of it.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Look around you, Lessa of Pern, look around the Weyr with unveiled eyes. Old and hallowed is the Weyr? Yes, but shabby and worn – and disregarded. Yes, you were elated to sit in the Weyrwoman’s great chair at the Council Table, but the padding is thin and the fabric dusty. Humbled to think your hands rest where Moreta’s and Torene’s had rested? Well, the stone is ingrained with dirt and needs a good scrubbing. And your rump may rest where theirs did – but that’s not where you have your brains.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Rider to your mate be trueFollow heart in deed and doAll the best your strength can findSo you will rest in heart and mind”
Anne McCaffrey
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“(Meli, are you sure these "humans" are on our side?)(No ... but at least they are not Khieevi.)(That is beginning to seem less and less of a recommendation. Like us in form, perhaps, but hardly in ethics.)(That may not be entirely a bad thing. If they meet their friends with weapons in both hands, what do you suppose they do to their enemies?)”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Old family motto: "The best revenge is revenge.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“If he isn't clean now, I don't know what clean is!”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Dragon kind was no less cruel than mankind. The Dragon, at least, acted from bestial need rather than bestial greed.”~ A thought by Lessa ~”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Exchange information, learn to speak sensibly about any subject, learn to express your thoughts, accept new ones, examine them, analyze. Think objectively. Think toward the future.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“My eyes are green, my hair is silver and I freckle; the rest is subject to change without notice.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“There's something wrong in not appreciating one's own special abilities, my girl. Find your own limitations, yes, but don't limit yourself with false modesty.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“My nightly craft is winged in white, a dragon of night dark sea.Swift born, dream bound and rudderless, her captain and crew are me.We've sailed a hundred sleeping tides where no seaman's ever beenAnd only my white-winged craft and I know the wonders we have seen.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Fire-lizard dance on wingTo the raucous song I sing.Fire-lizrad wheel and turn,Show me how the dragons learn.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“A real scientist solves problems, not wails that they are unsolvable.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“The blackest night must end in dawn, the light dispel the dreamer's fear.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Above us, outlined against the brilliant sky, dragons crowded every available perching space on the Rim. And the sun made a gold of every one of them.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“To cry was to release all sorts of ugly little pressures and tensions. Like waking out of a long, dark dream to a sun-filled day.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Maybes never are.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Necessity breeds solution.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“be you and not someone else”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Step by stepMoment by momentWe live throughAnother day”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Harper to your word be trueHolder, crafter you also hewTo honesty, integrity, and respectAll others without regard to intellect”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Harper, treat your words with careFor they may cause joy or despairSing your songs of health and loveOf dragons flaming from above”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Fight only in direst needNot for lust or petty greedHonor those that do give birthRespect them well for their full worth”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Scuse me, lady, but I'm Wisp, 'cause that's all I am, a wisp of a thing, not much good for changing a thing in the world," said the boy for when he stepped inside, the light from the grimy window gave her a good view of his anxious, pointed little face.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Make no judgments where you have no compassion.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Don't leave me alone!A cry in the night,Of anguish heart-stiking,Of soul-killing fright.Live for my livingOr else I must dieDon't leave me alone.A world heard that cry.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“The tears I feel todayI'll wait to shed tomorrow.Though I'll not sleep this nightNor find surcease from sorrow.My eyes must keep their sight:I dare not be tear-blinded.I must be free to talkNot choked with grief, clear-minded.My mouth cannot betrayThe anguish that I know.Yes, I'll keep my tears til later:But my grief will never go.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“The little queen all goldenFlew hissing at the sea.To stop each waveHer clutch to saveShe ventured bravely.As she attacked the sea in rageA holderman came nighAlong the sandFishnet in handAnd saw the queen midsky.He stared at her in wonderFor often he'd been toldThat such as sheCould never beWho hovered there, bright gold.He saw her plight and quicklyHe looked up the cliff he facedAnd saw a caveAbove the waveIn which her eggs he placed.The little queen all goldenUpon his shoulder stoodHer eyes all blueGlowed of her trueUndying gratitude.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Harper, your song has a sorrowful sound,Though the tune was written as gay.Your voice is sad and your hands are slowAnd your eye meeting mine turns away.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Oh, Tongue, give sound to joy and singOf hope and promise on dragonwing”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Drummer, beat, and piper, blowHarper, strike, and soldier, goFree the flame and sear the grassesTil the dawning Red Star passes”
Anne McCaffrey
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“A good story is a good story no matter who wrote it.”
Anne McCaffrey
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“Who wills, Can.Who tries, Does.Who loves, Lives.”
Anne McCaffrey
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